# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CircuitPython module for the DRV2605 haptic feedback motor driver. See
examples/simpletest.py for a demo of the usage.
* Author(s): Tony DiCola
from micropython import const
from adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device import I2CDevice
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_DRV2605.git"
# Internal constants:
_DRV2605_ADDR = const(0x5A)
_DRV2605_REG_STATUS = const(0x00)
_DRV2605_REG_MODE = const(0x01)
_DRV2605_REG_RTPIN = const(0x02)
_DRV2605_REG_LIBRARY = const(0x03)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ1 = const(0x04)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ2 = const(0x05)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ3 = const(0x06)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ4 = const(0x07)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ5 = const(0x08)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ6 = const(0x09)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ7 = const(0x0A)
_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ8 = const(0x0B)
_DRV2605_REG_GO = const(0x0C)
_DRV2605_REG_OVERDRIVE = const(0x0D)
_DRV2605_REG_SUSTAINPOS = const(0x0E)
_DRV2605_REG_SUSTAINNEG = const(0x0F)
_DRV2605_REG_BREAK = const(0x10)
_DRV2605_REG_AUDIOCTRL = const(0x11)
_DRV2605_REG_AUDIOLVL = const(0x12)
_DRV2605_REG_AUDIOMAX = const(0x13)
_DRV2605_REG_RATEDV = const(0x16)
_DRV2605_REG_CLAMPV = const(0x17)
_DRV2605_REG_AUTOCALCOMP = const(0x18)
_DRV2605_REG_AUTOCALEMP = const(0x19)
_DRV2605_REG_FEEDBACK = const(0x1A)
_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL1 = const(0x1B)
_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL2 = const(0x1C)
_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL3 = const(0x1D)
_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL4 = const(0x1E)
_DRV2605_REG_VBAT = const(0x21)
_DRV2605_REG_LRARESON = const(0x22)
# User-facing mode value constants:
LIBRARY_TS2200A = 0x01
LIBRARY_TS2200B = 0x02
LIBRARY_TS2200C = 0x03
LIBRARY_TS2200D = 0x04
LIBRARY_TS2200E = 0x05
[docs]class DRV2605:
"""TI DRV2605 haptic feedback motor driver module."""
# Class-level buffer for reading and writing data with the sensor.
# This reduces memory allocations but means the code is not re-entrant or
# thread safe!
_BUFFER = bytearray(2)
def __init__(self, i2c, address=_DRV2605_ADDR):
self._device = I2CDevice(i2c, address)
# Check chip ID is 3 or 7 (DRV2605 or DRV2605L).
status = self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_STATUS)
device_id = (status >> 5) & 0x07
if device_id not in (3, 7):
raise RuntimeError("Failed to find DRV2605, check wiring!")
# Configure registers to initialize chip.
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_MODE, 0x00) # out of standby
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_RTPIN, 0x00) # no real-time-playback
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ1, 1) # strong click
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ2, 0)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_OVERDRIVE, 0) # no overdrive
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_SUSTAINPOS, 0)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_SUSTAINNEG, 0)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_BREAK, 0)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_AUDIOMAX, 0x64)
# Set ERM open-loop mode.
# turn on ERM_OPEN_LOOP
control3 = self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL3)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_CONTROL3, control3 | 0x20)
# Default to internal trigger mode and TS2200 A library.
self.mode = MODE_INTTRIG
self.library = LIBRARY_TS2200A
self._sequence = _DRV2605_Sequence(self)
def _read_u8(self, address):
# Read an 8-bit unsigned value from the specified 8-bit address.
with self._device as i2c:
self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
i2c.write_then_readinto(self._BUFFER, self._BUFFER, out_end=1, in_end=1)
return self._BUFFER[0]
def _write_u8(self, address, val):
# Write an 8-bit unsigned value to the specified 8-bit address.
with self._device as i2c:
self._BUFFER[0] = address & 0xFF
self._BUFFER[1] = val & 0xFF
i2c.write(self._BUFFER, end=2)
[docs] def play(self):
"""Play back the select effect(s) on the motor."""
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_GO, 1)
[docs] def stop(self):
"""Stop vibrating the motor."""
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_GO, 0)
def mode(self):
The mode of the chip. Should be a value of:
- MODE_INTTRIG: Internal triggering, vibrates as soon as you call
play(). Default mode.
- MODE_EXTTRIGEDGE: External triggering, edge mode.
- MODE_EXTTRIGLVL: External triggering, level mode.
- MODE_PWMANALOG: PWM/analog input mode.
- MODE_AUDIOVIBE: Audio-to-vibration mode.
- MODE_REALTIME: Real-time playback mode.
- MODE_DIAGNOS: Diagnostics mode.
- MODE_AUTOCAL: Auto-calibration mode.
See the datasheet for the meaning of modes beyond MODE_INTTRIG.
return self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_MODE)
def mode(self, val):
if not 0 <= val <= 7:
raise ValueError("Mode must be a value within 0-7!")
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_MODE, val)
def library(self):
The library selected for waveform playback. Should be
a value of:
- LIBRARY_TS2200A: TS2200 library A (the default)
- LIBRARY_TS2200B: TS2200 library B
- LIBRARY_TS2200C: TS2200 library C
- LIBRARY_TS2200D: TS2200 library D
- LIBRARY_TS2200E: TS2200 library E
- LIBRARY_LRA: LRA library
See the datasheet for the meaning and description of effects in each
return self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_LIBRARY) & 0x07
def library(self, val):
if not 0 <= val <= 6:
raise ValueError("Library must be a value within 0-6!")
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_LIBRARY, val)
def sequence(self):
"""List-like sequence of waveform effects.
Get or set an effect waveform for slot 0-6 by indexing the sequence
property with the slot number. A slot must be set to either an Effect()
or Pause() class. See the datasheet for a complete table of effect ID
values and the associated waveform / effect.
E.g. 'slot_0_effect = drv.sequence[0]', 'drv.sequence[0] = Effect(88)'
return self._sequence
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def use_ERM(self):
"""Use an eccentric rotating mass motor (the default)."""
feedback = self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_FEEDBACK)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_FEEDBACK, feedback & 0x7F)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def use_LRM(self):
"""Use a linear resonance actuator motor."""
feedback = self._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_FEEDBACK)
self._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_FEEDBACK, feedback | 0x80)
[docs]class Effect:
"""DRV2605 waveform sequence effect."""
def __init__(self, effect_id):
self._effect_id = 0
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
self.id = effect_id
def raw_value(self):
"""Raw effect ID."""
return self._effect_id
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def id(self):
"""Effect ID."""
return self._effect_id
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def id(self, effect_id):
"""Set the effect ID."""
if not 0 <= effect_id <= 123:
raise ValueError("Effect ID must be a value within 0-123!")
self._effect_id = effect_id
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(type(self).__qualname__, self.id)
[docs]class Pause:
"""DRV2605 waveform sequence timed delay."""
def __init__(self, duration):
# Bit 7 must be set for a slot to be interpreted as a delay
self._duration = 0x80
self.duration = duration
def raw_value(self):
"""Raw pause duration."""
return self._duration
def duration(self):
"""Pause duration in seconds."""
# Remove wait time flag bit and convert duration to seconds
return (self._duration & 0x7F) / 100.0
def duration(self, duration):
"""Sets the pause duration in seconds."""
if not 0.0 <= duration <= 1.27:
raise ValueError("Pause duration must be a value within 0.0-1.27!")
# Add wait time flag bit and convert duration to centiseconds
self._duration = 0x80 | round(duration * 100.0)
def __repr__(self):
return "{}({})".format(type(self).__qualname__, self.duration)
class _DRV2605_Sequence:
"""Class to enable List-like indexing of the waveform sequence slots."""
def __init__(self, DRV2605_instance):
self._drv2605 = DRV2605_instance
def __setitem__(self, slot, effect):
"""Write an Effect or Pause to a slot."""
if not 0 <= slot <= 6:
raise IndexError("Slot must be a value within 0-6!")
if not isinstance(effect, (Effect, Pause)):
raise TypeError("Effect must be either an Effect() or Pause()!")
# pylint: disable=protected-access
self._drv2605._write_u8(_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ1 + slot, effect.raw_value)
def __getitem__(self, slot):
"""Read an effect ID from a slot. Returns either a Pause or Effect class."""
if not 0 <= slot <= 6:
raise IndexError("Slot must be a value within 0-6!")
# pylint: disable=protected-access
slot_contents = self._drv2605._read_u8(_DRV2605_REG_WAVESEQ1 + slot)
if slot_contents & 0x80:
return Pause((slot_contents & 0x7F) / 100.0)
return Effect(slot_contents)
def __iter__(self):
"""Returns an iterator over the waveform sequence slots."""
for slot in range(0, 7):
yield self[slot]
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string representation of all slot's effects."""
return repr(list(self))