Source code for adafruit_ds3231

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Philip R. Moyer for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Radomir Dopieralski for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

CircuitPython library to support DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC).

This library supports the use of the DS3231-based RTC in CircuitPython.

Author(s): Philip R. Moyer and Radomir Dopieralski for Adafruit Industries.

Implementation Notes


* `Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC FeatherWing
  <>`_ (Product ID: 3028)

* `Adafruit DS3231 RTC breakout
  <>`_ (Product ID: 3013)

* `Adafruit ChronoDot - Ultra-precise Real Time Clock - v2.1
  <>`_ (Product ID: 255)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:

* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

* Adafruit's Register library:


#. Milliseconds are not supported by this RTC.
#. Datasheet:

from adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device import I2CDevice
from adafruit_register import i2c_bit
from adafruit_register import i2c_bits
from adafruit_register import i2c_bcd_alarm
from adafruit_register import i2c_bcd_datetime

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

# pylint: disable-msg=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class DS3231: """Interface to the DS3231 RTC. :param ~busio.I2C i2c: The I2C bus the device is connected to **Quickstart: Importing and using the device** Here is an example of using the :class:`DS3231` class. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor .. code-block:: python import time import board import adafruit_ds3231 Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object .. code-block:: python i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA rtc = adafruit_ds3231.DS3231(i2c) Now you can give the current time to the device. .. code-block:: python t = time.struct_time((2017, 10, 29, 15, 14, 15, 0, -1, -1)) rtc.datetime = t You can access the current time accessing the :attr:`datetime` attribute. .. code-block:: python current_time = rtc.datetime """ lost_power = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0F, 7) """True if the device has lost power since the time was set.""" disable_oscillator = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0E, 7) """True if the oscillator is disabled.""" datetime_register = i2c_bcd_datetime.BCDDateTimeRegister(0x00) """Current date and time.""" alarm1 = i2c_bcd_alarm.BCDAlarmTimeRegister(0x07) """Alarm time for the first alarm.""" alarm1_interrupt = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0E, 0) """True if the interrupt pin will output when alarm1 is alarming.""" alarm1_status = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0F, 0) """True if alarm1 is alarming. Set to False to reset.""" alarm2 = i2c_bcd_alarm.BCDAlarmTimeRegister(0x0B, has_seconds=False) """Alarm time for the second alarm.""" alarm2_interrupt = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0E, 1) """True if the interrupt pin will output when alarm2 is alarming.""" alarm2_status = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0F, 1) """True if alarm2 is alarming. Set to False to reset.""" # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg _calibration = i2c_bits.RWBits(8, 0x10, 0, 1, signed=True) _temperature = i2c_bits.RWBits( 10, 0x11, 6, register_width=2, lsb_first=False, signed=True ) # pylint: enable=unexpected-keyword-arg _busy = i2c_bit.ROBit(0x0F, 2) _conv = i2c_bit.RWBit(0x0E, 5) def __init__(self, i2c): self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c, 0x68) @property def datetime(self): """Gets the current date and time or sets the current date and time then starts the clock.""" return self.datetime_register @datetime.setter def datetime(self, value): self.datetime_register = value self.disable_oscillator = False self.lost_power = False @property def temperature(self): """Returns the last temperature measurement. Temperature is updated only every 64 seconds, or when a conversion is forced.""" return self._temperature / 4
[docs] def force_temperature_conversion(self): """Forces a conversion and returns the new temperature""" while self._busy: pass # Wait for any normal in-progress conversion to complete self._conv = True while self._conv: pass # Wait for manual conversion request to complete return self.temperature
@property def calibration(self): """Calibrate the frequency of the crystal oscillator by adding or removing capacitance. The datasheet calls this the Aging Offset. Calibration values range from -128 to 127; each step is approximately 0.1ppm, and positive values decrease the frequency (increase the period). When set, a temperature conversion is forced so the result of calibration can be seen directly at the 32kHz pin immediately""" return self._calibration @calibration.setter def calibration(self, value): self._calibration = value self.force_temperature_conversion()