
GPS parsing module. Can parse simple NMEA data sentences from serial GPS modules to read latitude, longitude, and more.

  • Author(s): Tony DiCola, James Carr

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_gps.GPS(uart, debug=False)[source]

GPS parsing module. Can parse simple NMEA data sentences from serial GPS modules to read latitude, longitude, and more.


Return struct_time object to feed rtc.set_time_source() function


Returns true if there is a 3d fix available. use has_fix to determine if a 2d fix is available, passing it the same data


True if a current fix for location information is available.


Returns number of bytes available in UART read buffer


Return raw_sentence which is the raw NMEA sentence read from the GPS


Read up to num_bytes of data from the GPS directly, without parsing. Returns a bytearray with up to num_bytes or None if nothing was read


Returns a newline terminated bytearray, must have timeout set for the underlying UART or this will block forever!

send_command(command, add_checksum=True)[source]

Send a command string to the GPS. If add_checksum is True (the default) a NMEA checksum will automatically be computed and added. Note you should NOT add the leading $ and trailing * to the command as they will automatically be added!


Check for updated data from the GPS module and process it accordingly. Returns True if new data was processed, and False if nothing new was received.


Write a bytestring data to the GPS directly, without parsing or checksums

class adafruit_gps.GPS_GtopI2C(i2c_bus, *, address=16, debug=False, timeout=5)[source]

GTop-compatible I2C GPS parsing module. Can parse simple NMEA data sentences from an I2C-capable GPS module to read latitude, longitude, and more.


Returns number of bytes available in UART read buffer, always 16 since I2C does not have the ability to know how much data is available


Read up to num_bytes of data from the GPS directly, without parsing. Returns a bytearray with up to num_bytes or None if nothing was read


Returns a newline terminated bytearray, must have timeout set for the underlying UART or this will block forever!


Write a bytestring data to the GPS directly, without parsing or checksums