# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Mike Mabey
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
A CircuitPython library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor.
The HC-SR04 functions by sending an ultrasonic signal, which is reflected by
many materials, and then sensing when the signal returns to the sensor. Knowing
that sound travels through dry air at `343.2 meters per second (at 20 °C)
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_sound>`_, it's pretty straightforward
to calculate how far away the object is by timing how long the signal took to
go round-trip and do some simple arithmetic, which is handled for you by this
.. warning::
The HC-SR04 uses 5V logic, so you will have to use a `level shifter
<https://www.adafruit.com/product/2653?q=level%20shifter&>`_ or simple
voltage divider between it and your CircuitPython board (which uses 3.3V logic)
* Authors:
- Mike Mabey
- Jerry Needell - modified to add timeout while waiting for echo (2/26/2018)
- ladyada - compatible with `distance` property standard, renaming, Pi compat
import time
from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction
from pulseio import PulseIn
except ImportError:
pass # This is OK, we'll try to bitbang it!
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_HCSR04.git"
[docs]class HCSR04:
"""Control a HC-SR04 ultrasonic range sensor.
Example use:
import time
import board
import adafruit_hcsr04
sonar = adafruit_hcsr04.HCSR04(trigger_pin=board.D2, echo_pin=board.D3)
while True:
except RuntimeError:
def __init__(self, trigger_pin, echo_pin, *, timeout=0.1):
:param trigger_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
``Trig`` pin on the HC-SR04.
:type trig_pin: microcontroller.Pin
:param echo_pin: The pin on the microcontroller that's connected to the
``Echo`` pin on the HC-SR04.
:type echo_pin: microcontroller.Pin
:param float timeout: Max seconds to wait for a response from the
sensor before assuming it isn't going to answer. Should *not* be
set to less than 0.05 seconds!
self._timeout = timeout
self._trig = DigitalInOut(trigger_pin)
self._trig.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self._echo = PulseIn(echo_pin)
self._echo = DigitalInOut(echo_pin)
self._echo.direction = Direction.INPUT
def __enter__(self):
"""Allows for use in context managers."""
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
"""Automatically de-initialize after a context manager."""
[docs] def deinit(self):
"""De-initialize the trigger and echo pins."""
def distance(self):
"""Return the distance measured by the sensor in cm.
This is the function that will be called most often in user code. The
distance is calculated by timing a pulse from the sensor, indicating
how long between when the sensor sent out an ultrasonic signal and when
it bounced back and was received again.
If no signal is received, we'll throw a RuntimeError exception. This means
either the sensor was moving too fast to be pointing in the right
direction to pick up the ultrasonic signal when it bounced back (less
likely), or the object off of which the signal bounced is too far away
for the sensor to handle. In my experience, the sensor can detect
objects over 460 cm away.
:return: Distance in centimeters.
:rtype: float
return self._dist_two_wire() # at this time we only support 2-wire meausre
def _dist_two_wire(self):
self._echo.clear() # Discard any previous pulse values
self._trig.value = True # Set trig high
time.sleep(0.00001) # 10 micro seconds 10/1000/1000
self._trig.value = False # Set trig low
pulselen = None
timestamp = time.monotonic()
while not self._echo:
# Wait for a pulse
if (time.monotonic() - timestamp) > self._timeout:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
pulselen = self._echo[0]
# OK no hardware pulse support, we'll just do it by hand!
# hang out while the pin is low
while not self._echo.value:
if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
timestamp = time.monotonic()
# track how long pin is high
while self._echo.value:
if time.monotonic() - timestamp > self._timeout:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
pulselen = time.monotonic() - timestamp
pulselen *= 1000000 # convert to us to match pulseio
if pulselen >= 65535:
raise RuntimeError("Timed out")
# positive pulse time, in seconds, times 340 meters/sec, then
# divided by 2 gives meters. Multiply by 100 for cm
# 1/1000000 s/us * 340 m/s * 100 cm/m * 2 = 0.017
return pulselen * 0.017