# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Tony DiCola 2017 for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CircuitPython driver for the IS31FL3731 charlieplex IC.
Base library.
* Author(s): Tony DiCola, Melissa LeBlanc-Williams, David Glaude
Implementation Notes
* `Adafruit 16x9 Charlieplexed PWM LED Matrix Driver - IS31FL3731
* `Adafruit 15x7 CharliePlex LED Matrix Display FeatherWings
* `Adafruit 16x8 CharliePlex LED Matrix Bonnets
* `Pimoroni 17x7 Scroll pHAT HD
* `Pimoroni 28x3 (r,g,b) Led Shim
* `Pimoroni LED SHIM
* `Pimoroni Keybow 2040
* `Pimoroni 11x7 LED Matrix Breakout
**Software and Dependencies:**
* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
# imports
import math
import time
from micropython import const
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_IS31FL3731.git"
_MODE_REGISTER = const(0x00)
_FRAME_REGISTER = const(0x01)
_AUTOPLAY1_REGISTER = const(0x02)
_AUTOPLAY2_REGISTER = const(0x03)
_BLINK_REGISTER = const(0x05)
_BREATH1_REGISTER = const(0x08)
_BREATH2_REGISTER = const(0x09)
_GAIN_REGISTER = const(0x0B)
_ADC_REGISTER = const(0x0C)
_CONFIG_BANK = const(0x0B)
_BANK_ADDRESS = const(0xFD)
_PICTURE_MODE = const(0x00)
_AUTOPLAY_MODE = const(0x08)
_AUDIOPLAY_MODE = const(0x18)
_ENABLE_OFFSET = const(0x00)
_BLINK_OFFSET = const(0x12)
_COLOR_OFFSET = const(0x24)
[docs]class IS31FL3731:
The IS31FL3731 is an abstract class contain the main function related to this chip.
Each board needs to define width, height and pixel_addr.
:param ~adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device i2c_device: the connected i2c bus i2c_device
:param address: the device address; defaults to 0x74
width = 16
height = 9
def __init__(self, i2c, address=0x74):
self.i2c = i2c
self.address = address
self._frame = None
def _i2c_read_reg(self, reg, result):
# Read a buffer of data from the specified 8-bit I2C register address.
# The provided result parameter will be filled to capacity with bytes
# of data read from the register.
while not self.i2c.try_lock():
self.i2c.writeto_then_readfrom(self.address, bytes([reg]), result)
return result
return None
def _i2c_write_reg(self, reg, data):
# Write a buffer of data (byte array) to the specified I2C register
# address.
while not self.i2c.try_lock():
buf = bytearray(1)
buf[0] = reg
self.i2c.writeto(self.address, buf)
def _bank(self, bank=None):
if bank is None:
result = bytearray(1)
return self._i2c_read_reg(_BANK_ADDRESS, result)[0]
self._i2c_write_reg(_BANK_ADDRESS, bytearray([bank]))
return None
def _register(self, bank, register, value=None):
if value is None:
result = bytearray(1)
return self._i2c_read_reg(register, result)[0]
self._i2c_write_reg(register, bytearray([value]))
return None
def _mode(self, mode=None):
return self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _MODE_REGISTER, mode)
def _init(self):
time.sleep(0.01) # 10 MS pause to reset.
for frame in range(8):
self.fill(0, False, frame=frame)
for col in range(18):
self._register(frame, _ENABLE_OFFSET + col, 0xFF)
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Kill the display for 10MS"""
time.sleep(0.01) # 10 MS pause to reset.
[docs] def sleep(self, value):
Set the Software Shutdown Register bit
:param value: True to set software shutdown bit; False unset
return self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _SHUTDOWN_REGISTER, not value)
[docs] def autoplay(self, delay=0, loops=0, frames=0):
Start autoplay
:param delay: in ms
:param loops: number of loops - 0->7
:param frames: number of frames: 0->7
if delay == 0:
delay //= 11
if not 0 <= loops <= 7:
raise ValueError("Loops out of range")
if not 0 <= frames <= 7:
raise ValueError("Frames out of range")
if not 1 <= delay <= 64:
raise ValueError("Delay out of range")
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _AUTOPLAY1_REGISTER, loops << 4 | frames)
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _AUTOPLAY2_REGISTER, delay % 64)
self._mode(_AUTOPLAY_MODE | self._frame)
[docs] def fade(self, fade_in=None, fade_out=None, pause=0):
Start and stop the fade feature. If both fade_in and fade_out are None (the
default), the breath feature is used for fading. if fade_in is None, then
fade_in = fade_out. If fade_out is None, then fade_out = fade_in
:param fade_in: positive number; 0->100
:param fade-out: positive number; 0->100
:param pause: breath register 2 pause value
if fade_in is None and fade_out is None:
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BREATH2_REGISTER, 0)
elif fade_in is None:
fade_in = fade_out
elif fade_out is None:
fade_out = fade_in
fade_in = int(math.log(fade_in / 26, 2))
fade_out = int(math.log(fade_out / 26, 2))
pause = int(math.log(pause / 26, 2))
if not 0 <= fade_in <= 7:
raise ValueError("Fade in out of range")
if not 0 <= fade_out <= 7:
raise ValueError("Fade out out of range")
if not 0 <= pause <= 7:
raise ValueError("Pause out of range")
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BREATH1_REGISTER, fade_out << 4 | fade_in)
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BREATH2_REGISTER, 1 << 4 | pause)
[docs] def frame(self, frame=None, show=True):
Set the current frame
:param frame: frame number; 0-7 or None. If None function returns current frame
:param show: True to show the frame; False to not show.
if frame is None:
return self._frame
if not 0 <= frame <= 8:
raise ValueError("Frame out of range")
self._frame = frame
if show:
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _FRAME_REGISTER, frame)
return None
[docs] def audio_sync(self, value=None):
"""Set the audio sync feature register"""
return self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _AUDIOSYNC_REGISTER, value)
[docs] def audio_play(self, sample_rate, audio_gain=0, agc_enable=False, agc_fast=False):
"""Controls the audio play feature"""
if sample_rate == 0:
sample_rate //= 46
if not 1 <= sample_rate <= 256:
raise ValueError("Sample rate out of range")
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _ADC_REGISTER, sample_rate % 256)
audio_gain //= 3
if not 0 <= audio_gain <= 7:
raise ValueError("Audio gain out of range")
bool(agc_enable) << 3 | bool(agc_fast) << 4 | audio_gain,
[docs] def blink(self, rate=None):
"""Updates the blink register"""
# pylint: disable=no-else-return
# This needs to be refactored when it can be tested
if rate is None:
return (self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BLINK_REGISTER) & 0x07) * 270
elif rate == 0:
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BLINK_REGISTER, 0x00)
return None
rate //= 270
self._register(_CONFIG_BANK, _BLINK_REGISTER, rate & 0x07 | 0x08)
return None
[docs] def fill(self, color=None, blink=None, frame=None):
Fill the display with a brightness level
:param color: brightness 0->255
:param blink: True if blinking is required
:param frame: which frame to fill 0->7
if frame is None:
frame = self._frame
if color is not None:
if not 0 <= color <= 255:
raise ValueError("Color out of range")
data = bytearray([color] * 25) # Extra byte at front for address.
while not self.i2c.try_lock():
for row in range(6):
data[0] = _COLOR_OFFSET + row * 24
self.i2c.writeto(self.address, data)
if blink is not None:
data = bool(blink) * 0xFF
for col in range(18):
self._register(frame, _BLINK_OFFSET + col, data)
# This function must be replaced for each board
[docs] @staticmethod
def pixel_addr(x, y):
"""Calulate the offset into the device array for x,y pixel"""
return x + y * 16
# pylint: disable-msg=too-many-arguments
[docs] def pixel(self, x, y, color=None, blink=None, frame=None):
Blink or brightness for x-, y-pixel
:param x: horizontal pixel position
:param y: vertical pixel position
:param color: brightness value 0->255
:param blink: True to blink
:param frame: the frame to set the pixel
if not 0 <= x <= self.width:
return None
if not 0 <= y <= self.height:
return None
pixel = self.pixel_addr(x, y)
if color is None and blink is None:
return self._register(self._frame, pixel)
if frame is None:
frame = self._frame
if color is not None:
if not 0 <= color <= 255:
raise ValueError("Color out of range")
self._register(frame, _COLOR_OFFSET + pixel, color)
if blink is not None:
addr, bit = divmod(pixel, 8)
bits = self._register(frame, _BLINK_OFFSET + addr)
if blink:
bits |= 1 << bit
bits &= ~(1 << bit)
self._register(frame, _BLINK_OFFSET + addr, bits)
return None
# pylint: enable-msg=too-many-arguments
[docs] def image(self, img, blink=None, frame=None):
"""Set buffer to value of Python Imaging Library image. The image should
be in 8-bit mode (L) and a size equal to the display size.
:param img: Python Imaging Library image
:param blink: True to blink
:param frame: the frame to set the image
if img.mode != "L":
raise ValueError("Image must be in mode L.")
imwidth, imheight = img.size
if imwidth != self.width or imheight != self.height:
raise ValueError(
"Image must be same dimensions as display ({0}x{1}).".format(
self.width, self.height
# Grab all the pixels from the image, faster than getpixel.
pixels = img.load()
# Iterate through the pixels
for x in range(self.width): # yes this double loop is slow,
for y in range(self.height): # but these displays are small!
self.pixel(x, y, pixels[(x, y)], blink=blink, frame=frame)