# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Stepper motors feature multiple wire coils that are used to rotate the magnets connected to the
motor shaft in a precise way. Each increment of the motor is called a step. Stepper motors have a
varying number of steps per rotation so check the motor's documentation to determine exactly how
precise each step is.
* Author(s): Tony DiCola, Scott Shawcroft
import math
from micropython import const
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Motor.git"
# Stepper Motor Shield/Wing Driver
# Based on Adafruit Motorshield library:
# https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Motor_Shield_V2_Library
# Constants that specify the direction and style of steps.
FORWARD = const(1)
"""Step forward"""
BACKWARD = const(2)
""""Step backward"""
SINGLE = const(1)
"""Step so that each step only activates a single coil"""
DOUBLE = const(2)
"""Step so that each step only activates two coils to produce more torque."""
INTERLEAVE = const(3)
"""Step half a step to alternate between single coil and double coil steps."""
MICROSTEP = const(4)
"""Step a fraction of a step by partially activating two neighboring coils. Step size is determined
by ``microsteps`` constructor argument."""
_SINGLE_STEPS = bytes([0b0010, 0b0100, 0b0001, 0b1000])
_DOUBLE_STEPS = bytes([0b1010, 0b0110, 0b0101, 0b1001])
[0b1010, 0b0010, 0b0110, 0b0100, 0b0101, 0b0001, 0b1001, 0b1000]
[docs]class StepperMotor:
"""A bipolar stepper motor or four coil unipolar motor. The use of microstepping requires
pins that can output PWM. For non-microstepping, can set microsteps to None and use
digital out pins.
:param ~pwmio.PWMOut ain1: `pwmio.PWMOut`-compatible output connected to the driver for
the first coil (unipolar) or first input to first coil (bipolar).
:param ~pwmio.PWMOut ain2: `pwmio.PWMOut`-compatible output connected to the driver for
the third coil (unipolar) or second input to first coil (bipolar).
:param ~pwmio.PWMOut bin1: `pwmio.PWMOut`-compatible output connected to the driver for
the second coil (unipolar) or second input to second coil (bipolar).
:param ~pwmio.PWMOut bin2: `pwmio.PWMOut`-compatible output connected to the driver for
the fourth coil (unipolar) or second input to second coil (bipolar).
:param int microsteps: Number of microsteps between full steps. Must be at least 2 and even.
**Digital Out**
:param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut ain1: `digitalio.DigitalInOut`-compatible output connected to
the driver for the first coil (unipolar) or first input to first coil (bipolar).
:param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut ain2: `digitalio.DigitalInOut`-compatible output connected to
the driver for the third coil (unipolar) or second input to first coil (bipolar).
:param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut bin1: `digitalio.DigitalInOut`-compatible output connected to
the driver for the second coil (unipolar) or first input to second coil (bipolar).
:param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut bin2: `digitalio.DigitalInOut`-compatible output connected to
the driver for the fourth coil (unipolar) or second input to second coil (bipolar).
:param microsteps: set to `None`
def __init__(self, ain1, ain2, bin1, bin2, *, microsteps=16):
if microsteps is None:
# Digital IO Pins
self._steps = None
self._coil = (ain1, ain2, bin1, bin2)
# PWM Pins
# set a safe pwm freq for each output
self._coil = (ain2, bin1, ain1, bin2)
for i in range(4):
if self._coil[i].frequency < 1500:
self._coil[i].frequency = 2000
if microsteps < 2:
raise ValueError("Microsteps must be at least 2")
if microsteps % 2 == 1:
raise ValueError("Microsteps must be even")
self._curve = [
int(round(0xFFFF * math.sin(math.pi / (2 * microsteps) * i)))
for i in range(microsteps + 1)
self._current_microstep = 0
self._microsteps = microsteps
def _update_coils(self, *, microstepping=False):
if self._microsteps is None:
# Digital IO Pins
# Get coil activation sequence
if self._steps is None:
steps = 0b0000
steps = self._steps[self._current_microstep % len(self._steps)]
# Energize coils as appropriate:
for i, coil in enumerate(self._coil):
coil.value = (steps >> i) & 0x01
# PWM Pins
duty_cycles = [0, 0, 0, 0]
trailing_coil = (self._current_microstep // self._microsteps) % 4
leading_coil = (trailing_coil + 1) % 4
microstep = self._current_microstep % self._microsteps
duty_cycles[leading_coil] = self._curve[microstep]
duty_cycles[trailing_coil] = self._curve[self._microsteps - microstep]
# This ensures DOUBLE steps use full torque. Without it, we'd use
# partial torque from the microstepping curve (0xb504).
if not microstepping and (
duty_cycles[leading_coil] == duty_cycles[trailing_coil]
and duty_cycles[leading_coil] > 0
duty_cycles[leading_coil] = 0xFFFF
duty_cycles[trailing_coil] = 0xFFFF
# Energize coils as appropriate:
for i in range(4):
self._coil[i].duty_cycle = duty_cycles[i]
[docs] def release(self):
"""Releases all the coils so the motor can free spin, also won't use any power"""
# De-energize coils:
for coil in self._coil:
if self._microsteps is None:
coil.value = 0
coil.duty_cycle = 0
[docs] def onestep(
self, *, direction=FORWARD, style=SINGLE
): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
"""Performs one step of a particular style. The actual rotation amount will vary by style.
`SINGLE` and `DOUBLE` will normal cause a full step rotation. `INTERLEAVE` will normally
do a half step rotation. `MICROSTEP` will perform the smallest configured step.
When step styles are mixed, subsequent `SINGLE`, `DOUBLE` or `INTERLEAVE` steps may be
less than normal in order to align to the desired style's pattern.
:param int direction: Either `FORWARD` or `BACKWARD`
:param int style: `SINGLE`, `DOUBLE`, `INTERLEAVE`"""
if self._microsteps is None:
# Digital IO Pins
step_size = 1
if style == SINGLE:
self._steps = _SINGLE_STEPS
elif style == DOUBLE:
self._steps = _DOUBLE_STEPS
elif style == INTERLEAVE:
self._steps = _INTERLEAVE_STEPS
raise ValueError("Unsupported step style.")
# PWM Pins
# Adjust current steps based on the direction and type of step.
step_size = 0
if style == MICROSTEP:
step_size = 1
half_step = self._microsteps // 2
full_step = self._microsteps
# Its possible the previous steps were MICROSTEPS so first align
# with the interleave pattern.
additional_microsteps = self._current_microstep % half_step
if additional_microsteps != 0:
# We set _current_microstep directly because our step size varies
# depending on the direction.
if direction == FORWARD:
self._current_microstep += half_step - additional_microsteps
self._current_microstep -= additional_microsteps
step_size = 0
elif style == INTERLEAVE:
step_size = half_step
current_interleave = self._current_microstep // half_step
if (style == SINGLE and current_interleave % 2 == 1) or (
style == DOUBLE and current_interleave % 2 == 0
step_size = half_step
elif style in (SINGLE, DOUBLE):
step_size = full_step
if direction == FORWARD:
self._current_microstep += step_size
self._current_microstep -= step_size
# Now that we know our target microstep we can determine how to energize the four coils.
self._update_coils(microstepping=style == MICROSTEP)
return self._current_microstep