# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dean Miller for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,too-many-public-methods
import digitalio
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_seesaw.git"
[docs]class DigitalIO:
"""CircuitPython-compatible class for digital I/O pins
This class is intended to be a compatible subset of `digitalio.DigitalInOut`.
Due to technical limitations, PULL_DOWNs are not supported.
:param ~adafruit_seesaw.seesaw.Seesaw seesaw: The device
:param int pin: The pin number on the device"""
def __init__(self, seesaw, pin):
self._seesaw = seesaw
self._pin = pin
self._drive_mode = digitalio.DriveMode.PUSH_PULL
self._direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
self._pull = None
self._value = False
def deinit(self):
[docs] def switch_to_output(self, value=False, drive_mode=digitalio.DriveMode.PUSH_PULL):
"""Switch the pin to output mode"""
self._seesaw.pin_mode(self._pin, self._seesaw.OUTPUT)
self._seesaw.digital_write(self._pin, value)
self._drive_mode = drive_mode
self._pull = None
def direction(self):
"""Retrieve or set the direction of the pin"""
return self._direction
def direction(self, value):
if value == digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT:
elif value == digitalio.Direction.INPUT:
raise ValueError("Out of range")
self._direction = value
def value(self):
"""Retrieve or set the value of the pin"""
if self._direction == digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT:
return self._value
return self._seesaw.digital_read(self._pin)
def value(self, val):
if not 0 <= val <= 1:
raise ValueError("Out of range")
self._seesaw.digital_write(self._pin, val)
self._value = val
def drive_mode(self):
"""Retrieve or set the drive mode of an output pin"""
return self._drive_mode
def drive_mode(self, mode):
def pull(self):
"""Retrieve or set the pull mode of an input pin"""
return self._pull
def pull(self, mode):
if self._direction == digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT:
raise AttributeError("cannot set pull on an output pin")
if mode == digitalio.Pull.DOWN:
self._seesaw.pin_mode(self._pin, self._seesaw.INPUT_PULLDOWN)
elif mode == digitalio.Pull.UP:
self._seesaw.pin_mode(self._pin, self._seesaw.INPUT_PULLUP)
elif mode is None:
self._seesaw.pin_mode(self._pin, self._seesaw.INPUT)
raise ValueError("Out of range")