Source code for adafruit_seesaw.seesaw

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Dean Miller for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


An I2C to whatever helper chip.

* Author(s): Dean Miller

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit `ATSAMD09 Breakout with seesaw
  <>`_ (Product ID: 3657)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware:
* or Adafruit Blinka:
* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

# This code needs to be broken up into analogio, busio, digitalio, and pulseio
# compatible classes so we won't bother with some lints until then.
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name,too-many-public-methods,no-name-in-module

import time

    import struct
except ImportError:
    import ustruct as struct
    from micropython import const
except ImportError:

    def const(x):
        return x

from adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device import I2CDevice

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

_STATUS_BASE = const(0x00)

_GPIO_BASE = const(0x01)
_SERCOM0_BASE = const(0x02)

_TIMER_BASE = const(0x08)
_ADC_BASE = const(0x09)
_DAC_BASE = const(0x0A)
_INTERRUPT_BASE = const(0x0B)
_DAP_BASE = const(0x0C)
_EEPROM_BASE = const(0x0D)
_NEOPIXEL_BASE = const(0x0E)
_TOUCH_BASE = const(0x0F)
_ENCODER_BASE = const(0x11)

_GPIO_DIRSET_BULK = const(0x02)
_GPIO_DIRCLR_BULK = const(0x03)
_GPIO_BULK = const(0x04)
_GPIO_BULK_SET = const(0x05)
_GPIO_BULK_CLR = const(0x06)
_GPIO_BULK_TOGGLE = const(0x07)
_GPIO_INTENSET = const(0x08)
_GPIO_INTENCLR = const(0x09)
_GPIO_INTFLAG = const(0x0A)
_GPIO_PULLENSET = const(0x0B)
_GPIO_PULLENCLR = const(0x0C)

_STATUS_HW_ID = const(0x01)
_STATUS_VERSION = const(0x02)
_STATUS_OPTIONS = const(0x03)
_STATUS_TEMP = const(0x04)
_STATUS_SWRST = const(0x7F)

_TIMER_STATUS = const(0x00)
_TIMER_PWM = const(0x01)
_TIMER_FREQ = const(0x02)

_ADC_STATUS = const(0x00)
_ADC_INTEN = const(0x02)
_ADC_INTENCLR = const(0x03)
_ADC_WINMODE = const(0x04)
_ADC_WINTHRESH = const(0x05)
_ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSET = const(0x07)

_SERCOM_STATUS = const(0x00)
_SERCOM_INTEN = const(0x02)
_SERCOM_INTENCLR = const(0x03)
_SERCOM_BAUD = const(0x04)
_SERCOM_DATA = const(0x05)

_NEOPIXEL_STATUS = const(0x00)
_NEOPIXEL_PIN = const(0x01)
_NEOPIXEL_SPEED = const(0x02)
_NEOPIXEL_BUF_LENGTH = const(0x03)
_NEOPIXEL_BUF = const(0x04)
_NEOPIXEL_SHOW = const(0x05)


_HW_ID_CODE = const(0x55)
_EEPROM_I2C_ADDR = const(0x3F)

_ENCODER_STATUS = const(0x00)
_ENCODER_INTENSET = const(0x10)
_ENCODER_INTENCLR = const(0x20)
_ENCODER_POSITION = const(0x30)
_ENCODER_DELTA = const(0x40)

# TODO: update when we get real PID
_CRICKIT_PID = const(9999)
_ROBOHATMM1_PID = const(9998)

[docs]class Seesaw: """Driver for Seesaw i2c generic conversion trip :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: Bus the SeeSaw is connected to :param int addr: I2C address of the SeeSaw device :param ~digitalio.DigitalInOut drdy: Pin connected to SeeSaw's 'ready' output""" INPUT = const(0x00) OUTPUT = const(0x01) INPUT_PULLUP = const(0x02) INPUT_PULLDOWN = const(0x03) def __init__(self, i2c_bus, addr=0x49, drdy=None): self._drdy = drdy if drdy is not None: drdy.switch_to_input() self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, addr) self.sw_reset()
[docs] def sw_reset(self): """Trigger a software reset of the SeeSaw chip""" self.write8(_STATUS_BASE, _STATUS_SWRST, 0xFF) time.sleep(0.500) chip_id = self.read8(_STATUS_BASE, _STATUS_HW_ID) if chip_id != _HW_ID_CODE: raise RuntimeError( "Seesaw hardware ID returned (0x{:x}) is not " "correct! Expected 0x{:x}. Please check your wiring.".format( chip_id, _HW_ID_CODE ) ) pid = self.get_version() >> 16 # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if pid == _CRICKIT_PID: from adafruit_seesaw.crickit import Crickit_Pinmap self.pin_mapping = Crickit_Pinmap elif pid == _ROBOHATMM1_PID: from adafruit_seesaw.robohat import MM1_Pinmap self.pin_mapping = MM1_Pinmap else: from adafruit_seesaw.samd09 import SAMD09_Pinmap self.pin_mapping = SAMD09_Pinmap
# pylint: enable=import-outside-toplevel
[docs] def get_options(self): """Retrieve the 'options' word from the SeeSaw board""" buf = bytearray(4), _STATUS_OPTIONS, buf) ret = struct.unpack(">I", buf)[0] return ret
[docs] def get_version(self): """Retrieve the 'version' word from the SeeSaw board""" buf = bytearray(4), _STATUS_VERSION, buf) ret = struct.unpack(">I", buf)[0] return ret
[docs] def pin_mode(self, pin, mode): """Set the mode of a pin by number""" if pin >= 32: self.pin_mode_bulk_b(1 << (pin - 32), mode) else: self.pin_mode_bulk(1 << pin, mode)
[docs] def digital_write(self, pin, value): """Set the value of an output pin by number""" if pin >= 32: self.digital_write_bulk_b(1 << (pin - 32), value) else: self.digital_write_bulk(1 << pin, value)
[docs] def digital_read(self, pin): """Get the value of an input pin by number""" if pin >= 32: return self.digital_read_bulk_b((1 << (pin - 32))) != 0 return self.digital_read_bulk((1 << pin)) != 0
[docs] def digital_read_bulk(self, pins, delay=0.008): """Get the values of all the pins on the 'A' port as a bitmask""" buf = bytearray(4), _GPIO_BULK, buf, delay=delay) buf[0] = buf[0] & 0x3F ret = struct.unpack(">I", buf)[0] return ret & pins
[docs] def digital_read_bulk_b(self, pins, delay=0.008): """Get the values of all the pins on the 'B' port as a bitmask""" buf = bytearray(8), _GPIO_BULK, buf, delay=delay) ret = struct.unpack(">I", buf[4:])[0] return ret & pins
[docs] def set_GPIO_interrupts(self, pins, enabled): """Enable or disable the GPIO interrupt""" cmd = struct.pack(">I", pins) if enabled: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_INTENSET, cmd) else: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_INTENCLR, cmd)
[docs] def get_GPIO_interrupt_flag(self, delay=0.008): """Read and clear GPIO interrupts that have fired""" buf = bytearray(4), _GPIO_INTFLAG, buf, delay=delay) return struct.unpack(">I", buf)[0]
[docs] def analog_read(self, pin): """Read the value of an analog pin by number""" buf = bytearray(2) if pin not in self.pin_mapping.analog_pins: raise ValueError("Invalid ADC pin") _ADC_BASE, _ADC_CHANNEL_OFFSET + self.pin_mapping.analog_pins.index(pin), buf, ) ret = struct.unpack(">H", buf)[0] time.sleep(0.001) return ret
[docs] def touch_read(self, pin): """Read the value of a touch pin by number""" buf = bytearray(2) if pin not in self.pin_mapping.touch_pins: raise ValueError("Invalid touch pin") _TOUCH_BASE, _TOUCH_CHANNEL_OFFSET + self.pin_mapping.touch_pins.index(pin), buf, ) ret = struct.unpack(">H", buf)[0] return ret
[docs] def moisture_read(self): """Read the value of the moisture sensor""" buf = bytearray(2), _TOUCH_CHANNEL_OFFSET, buf, 0.005) ret = struct.unpack(">H", buf)[0] time.sleep(0.001) # retry if reading was bad count = 0 while ret > 4095:, _TOUCH_CHANNEL_OFFSET, buf, 0.005) ret = struct.unpack(">H", buf)[0] time.sleep(0.001) count += 1 if count > 3: raise RuntimeError("Could not get a valid moisture reading.") return ret
def _pin_mode_bulk_x(self, capacity, offset, pins, mode): cmd = bytearray(capacity) cmd[offset:] = struct.pack(">I", pins) if mode == self.OUTPUT: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_DIRSET_BULK, cmd) elif mode == self.INPUT: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_DIRCLR_BULK, cmd) self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_PULLENCLR, cmd) elif mode == self.INPUT_PULLUP: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_DIRCLR_BULK, cmd) self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_PULLENSET, cmd) self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_SET, cmd) elif mode == self.INPUT_PULLDOWN: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_DIRCLR_BULK, cmd) self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_PULLENSET, cmd) self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_CLR, cmd) else: raise ValueError("Invalid pin mode")
[docs] def pin_mode_bulk(self, pins, mode): """Set the mode of all the pins on the 'A' port as a bitmask""" self._pin_mode_bulk_x(4, 0, pins, mode)
[docs] def pin_mode_bulk_b(self, pins, mode): """Set the mode of all the pins on the 'B' port as a bitmask""" self._pin_mode_bulk_x(8, 4, pins, mode)
[docs] def digital_write_bulk(self, pins, value): """Set the mode of pins on the 'A' port as a bitmask""" cmd = struct.pack(">I", pins) if value: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_SET, cmd) else: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_CLR, cmd)
[docs] def digital_write_bulk_b(self, pins, value): """Set the mode of pins on the 'B' port as a bitmask""" cmd = bytearray(8) cmd[4:] = struct.pack(">I", pins) if value: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_SET, cmd) else: self.write(_GPIO_BASE, _GPIO_BULK_CLR, cmd)
[docs] def analog_write(self, pin, value): """Set the value of an analog output by number""" pin_found = False if self.pin_mapping.pwm_width == 16: if pin in self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins: pin_found = True cmd = bytearray( [self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins.index(pin), (value >> 8), value & 0xFF] ) else: if pin in self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins: pin_found = True cmd = bytearray([self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins.index(pin), value]) if pin_found is False: raise ValueError("Invalid PWM pin") self.write(_TIMER_BASE, _TIMER_PWM, cmd) time.sleep(0.001)
[docs] def get_temp(self): """Read the temperature""" buf = bytearray(4), _STATUS_TEMP, buf, 0.005) buf[0] = buf[0] & 0x3F ret = struct.unpack(">I", buf)[0] return 0.00001525878 * ret
[docs] def set_pwm_freq(self, pin, freq): """Set the PWM frequency of a pin by number""" if pin in self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins: cmd = bytearray( [self.pin_mapping.pwm_pins.index(pin), (freq >> 8), freq & 0xFF] ) self.write(_TIMER_BASE, _TIMER_FREQ, cmd) else: raise ValueError("Invalid PWM pin")
[docs] def encoder_position(self, encoder=0): """The current position of the encoder""" buf = bytearray(4), _ENCODER_POSITION + encoder, buf) return struct.unpack(">i", buf)[0]
[docs] def set_encoder_position(self, pos, encoder=0): """Set the current position of the encoder""" cmd = struct.pack(">i", pos) self.write(_ENCODER_BASE, _ENCODER_POSITION + encoder, cmd)
[docs] def encoder_delta(self, encoder=0): """The change in encoder position since it was last read""" buf = bytearray(4), _ENCODER_DELTA + encoder, buf) return struct.unpack(">i", buf)[0]
[docs] def enable_encoder_interrupt(self, encoder=0): """Enable the interrupt to fire when the encoder changes position""" self.write8(_ENCODER_BASE, _ENCODER_INTENSET + encoder, 0x01)
[docs] def disable_encoder_interrupt(self, encoder=0): """Disable the interrupt from firing when the encoder changes""" self.write8(_ENCODER_BASE, _ENCODER_INTENCLR + encoder, 0x01)
# def enable_sercom_data_rdy_interrupt(self, sercom): # # _sercom_inten.DATA_RDY = 1 # self.write8(SEESAW_SERCOM0_BASE + sercom, SEESAW_SERCOM_INTEN, _sercom_inten.get()) # # # def disable_sercom_data_rdy_interrupt(self, sercom): # # _sercom_inten.DATA_RDY = 0 # self.write8(SEESAW_SERCOM0_BASE + sercom, SEESAW_SERCOM_INTEN, _sercom_inten.get()) # # # def read_sercom_data(self, sercom): # # return self.read8(SEESAW_SERCOM0_BASE + sercom, SEESAW_SERCOM_DATA)
[docs] def set_i2c_addr(self, addr): """Store a new address in the device's EEPROM and reboot it.""" self.eeprom_write8(_EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, addr) time.sleep(0.250) self.i2c_device.device_address = addr self.sw_reset()
[docs] def get_i2c_addr(self): """Return the device's I2C address stored in its EEPROM""" return self.read8(_EEPROM_BASE, _EEPROM_I2C_ADDR)
[docs] def eeprom_write8(self, addr, val): """Write a single byte directly to the device's EEPROM""" self.eeprom_write(addr, bytearray([val]))
[docs] def eeprom_write(self, addr, buf): """Write multiple bytes directly to the device's EEPROM""" self.write(_EEPROM_BASE, addr, buf)
[docs] def eeprom_read8(self, addr): """Read a single byte directly to the device's EEPROM""" return self.read8(_EEPROM_BASE, addr)
[docs] def uart_set_baud(self, baud): """Set the serial baudrate of the device""" cmd = struct.pack(">I", baud) self.write(_SERCOM0_BASE, _SERCOM_BAUD, cmd)
[docs] def write8(self, reg_base, reg, value): """Write an arbitrary I2C byte register on the device""" self.write(reg_base, reg, bytearray([value]))
[docs] def read8(self, reg_base, reg): """Read an arbitrary I2C byte register on the device""" ret = bytearray(1), reg, ret) return ret[0]
[docs] def read(self, reg_base, reg, buf, delay=0.008): """Read an arbitrary I2C register range on the device""" self.write(reg_base, reg) if self._drdy is not None: while self._drdy.value is False: pass else: time.sleep(delay) with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.readinto(buf)
[docs] def write(self, reg_base, reg, buf=None): """Write an arbitrary I2C register range on the device""" full_buffer = bytearray([reg_base, reg]) if buf is not None: full_buffer += buf if self._drdy is not None: while self._drdy.value is False: pass with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.write(full_buffer)