Source code for adafruit_sht31d

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Jerry Needell for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Llewelyn Trahaearn for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


This is a CircuitPython driver for the SHT31-D temperature and humidity sensor.

* Author(s): Jerry Needell, Llewelyn Trahaearn

Implementation Notes


* Adafruit SHT31-D temperature and humidity sensor Breakout:

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:

* Adafruit's Bus Device library:

# imports
    import struct
except ImportError:
    import ustruct as struct

import time

from micropython import const
from adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device import I2CDevice

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

_SHT31_DEFAULT_ADDRESS = const(0x44)
_SHT31_SECONDARY_ADDRESS = const(0x45)


_SHT31_READSERIALNBR = const(0x3780)
_SHT31_READSTATUS = const(0xF32D)
_SHT31_CLEARSTATUS = const(0x3041)
_SHT31_HEATER_ENABLE = const(0x306D)
_SHT31_HEATER_DISABLE = const(0x3066)
_SHT31_SOFTRESET = const(0x30A2)
_SHT31_NOSLEEP = const(0x303E)
_SHT31_PERIODIC_FETCH = const(0xE000)
_SHT31_PERIODIC_BREAK = const(0x3093)

MODE_SINGLE = "Single"
MODE_PERIODIC = "Periodic"


REP_HIGH = "High"
REP_MED = "Medium"
REP_LOW = "Low"


FREQUENCY_0_5 = 0.5


    (REP_LOW, const(False), const(0x2416)),
    (REP_MED, const(False), const(0x240B)),
    (REP_HIGH, const(False), const(0x2400)),
    (REP_LOW, const(True), const(0x2C10)),
    (REP_MED, const(True), const(0x2C0D)),
    (REP_HIGH, const(True), const(0x2C06)),

    (True, None, const(0x2B32)),
    (REP_LOW, FREQUENCY_0_5, const(0x202F)),
    (REP_MED, FREQUENCY_0_5, const(0x2024)),
    (REP_HIGH, FREQUENCY_0_5, const(0x2032)),
    (REP_LOW, FREQUENCY_1, const(0x212D)),
    (REP_MED, FREQUENCY_1, const(0x2126)),
    (REP_HIGH, FREQUENCY_1, const(0x2130)),
    (REP_LOW, FREQUENCY_2, const(0x222B)),
    (REP_MED, FREQUENCY_2, const(0x2220)),
    (REP_HIGH, FREQUENCY_2, const(0x2236)),
    (REP_LOW, FREQUENCY_4, const(0x2329)),
    (REP_MED, FREQUENCY_4, const(0x2322)),
    (REP_HIGH, FREQUENCY_4, const(0x2334)),
    (REP_LOW, FREQUENCY_10, const(0x272A)),
    (REP_MED, FREQUENCY_10, const(0x2721)),
    (REP_HIGH, FREQUENCY_10, const(0x2737)),

_DELAY = ((REP_LOW, 0.0045), (REP_MED, 0.0065), (REP_HIGH, 0.0155))

def _crc(data):
    crc = 0xFF
    for byte in data:
        crc ^= byte
        for _ in range(8):
            if crc & 0x80:
                crc <<= 1
                crc ^= 0x131
                crc <<= 1
    return crc

def _unpack(data):
    length = len(data)
    crc = [None] * (length // 3)
    word = [None] * (length // 3)
    for i in range(length // 6):
        word[i * 2], crc[i * 2], word[(i * 2) + 1], crc[(i * 2) + 1] = struct.unpack(
            ">HBHB", data[i * 6 : (i * 6) + 6]
        if crc[i * 2] == _crc(data[i * 6 : (i * 6) + 2]):
            length = (i + 1) * 6
    for i in range(length // 3):
        if crc[i] != _crc(data[i * 3 : (i * 3) + 2]):
            raise RuntimeError("CRC mismatch")
    return word[: length // 3]

[docs]class SHT31D: """ A driver for the SHT31-D temperature and humidity sensor. :param ~busio.I2C i2c_bus: The I2C bus the SHT31-D is connected to :param int address: (optional) The I2C address of the device. Defaults to :const:`0x44` **Quickstart: Importing and using the SHT31-D** Here is an example of using the :class:`SHT31D` class. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor .. code-block:: python import board import adafruit_sht31d Once this is done you can define your `board.I2C` object and define your sensor object .. code-block:: python i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA sht = adafruit_sht31d.SHT31D(i2c) Now you have access to the temperature and humidity the the :attr:`temperature` and :attr:`relative_humidity` attributes .. code-block:: python temperature = sht.temperature humidity = sht.relative_humidity """ def __init__(self, i2c_bus, address=_SHT31_DEFAULT_ADDRESS): if address not in _SHT31_ADDRESSES: raise ValueError("Invalid address: 0x%x" % (address)) self.i2c_device = I2CDevice(i2c_bus, address) self._mode = MODE_SINGLE self._repeatability = REP_HIGH self._frequency = FREQUENCY_4 self._clock_stretching = False self._art = False self._last_read = 0 self._cached_temperature = None self._cached_humidity = None self._reset() def _command(self, command): with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.write(struct.pack(">H", command)) def _reset(self): """ Soft reset the device The reset command is preceded by a break command as the device will not respond to a soft reset when in 'Periodic' mode. """ self._command(_SHT31_PERIODIC_BREAK) time.sleep(0.001) self._command(_SHT31_SOFTRESET) time.sleep(0.0015) def _periodic(self): for command in _PERIODIC_COMMANDS: if == command[0] or ( self.repeatability == command[0] and self.frequency == command[1] ): self._command(command[2]) time.sleep(0.001) self._last_read = 0 def _data(self): if self.mode == MODE_PERIODIC: data = bytearray(48) data[0] = 0xFF self._command(_SHT31_PERIODIC_FETCH) time.sleep(0.001) elif self.mode == MODE_SINGLE: data = bytearray(6) data[0] = 0xFF for command in _SINGLE_COMMANDS: if ( self.repeatability == command[0] and self.clock_stretching == command[1] ): self._command(command[2]) if not self.clock_stretching: for delay in _DELAY: if self.repeatability == delay[0]: time.sleep(delay[1]) else: time.sleep(0.001) with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.readinto(data) word = _unpack(data) length = len(word) temperature = [None] * (length // 2) humidity = [None] * (length // 2) for i in range(length // 2): temperature[i] = -45 + (175 * (word[i * 2] / 65535)) humidity[i] = 100 * (word[(i * 2) + 1] / 65535) if (len(temperature) == 1) and (len(humidity) == 1): return temperature[0], humidity[0] return temperature, humidity def _read(self): if ( self.mode == MODE_PERIODIC and time.time() > self._last_read + 1 / self.frequency ): self._cached_temperature, self._cached_humidity = self._data() self._last_read = time.time() elif self.mode == MODE_SINGLE: self._cached_temperature, self._cached_humidity = self._data() return self._cached_temperature, self._cached_humidity @property def mode(self): """ Operation mode Allowed values are the constants MODE_* Return the device to 'Single' mode to stop periodic data acquisition and allow it to sleep. """ return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value): if not value in _SHT31_MODES: raise ValueError("Mode '%s' not supported" % (value)) if self._mode == MODE_PERIODIC and value != MODE_PERIODIC: self._command(_SHT31_PERIODIC_BREAK) time.sleep(0.001) if value == MODE_PERIODIC and self._mode != MODE_PERIODIC: self._periodic() self._mode = value @property def repeatability(self): """ Repeatability Allowed values are the constants REP_* """ return self._repeatability @repeatability.setter def repeatability(self, value): if not value in _SHT31_REP: raise ValueError("Repeatability '%s' not supported" % (value)) if self.mode == MODE_PERIODIC and not self._repeatability == value: self._repeatability = value self._periodic() else: self._repeatability = value @property def clock_stretching(self): """ Control clock stretching. This feature only affects 'Single' mode. """ return self._clock_stretching @clock_stretching.setter def clock_stretching(self, value): self._clock_stretching = bool(value) @property def art(self): """ Control accelerated response time This feature only affects 'Periodic' mode. """ return self._art @art.setter def art(self, value): if value: self.frequency = FREQUENCY_4 if self.mode == MODE_PERIODIC and not self._art == value: self._art = bool(value) self._periodic() else: self._art = bool(value) @property def frequency(self): """ Periodic data acquisition frequency Allowed values are the constants FREQUENCY_* Frequency can not be modified when ART is enabled """ return self._frequency @frequency.setter def frequency(self, value): if raise RuntimeError("Frequency locked to '4 Hz' when ART enabled") if not value in _SHT31_FREQUENCIES: raise ValueError( "Data acquisition frequency '%s Hz' not supported" % (value) ) if self.mode == MODE_PERIODIC and not self._frequency == value: self._frequency = value self._periodic() else: self._frequency = value @property def temperature(self): """ The measured temperature in degrees Celsius. 'Single' mode reads and returns the current temperature as a float. 'Periodic' mode returns the most recent readings available from the sensor's cache in a FILO list of eight floats. This list is backfilled with with the sensor's maximum output of 130.0 when the sensor is read before the cache is full. """ temperature, _ = self._read() return temperature @property def relative_humidity(self): """ The measured relative humidity in percent. 'Single' mode reads and returns the current humidity as a float. 'Periodic' mode returns the most recent readings available from the sensor's cache in a FILO list of eight floats. This list is backfilled with with the sensor's maximum output of 100.01831417975366 when the sensor is read before the cache is full. """ _, humidity = self._read() return humidity @property def heater(self): """Control device's internal heater.""" return (self.status & 0x2000) != 0 @heater.setter def heater(self, value=False): if value: self._command(_SHT31_HEATER_ENABLE) time.sleep(0.001) else: self._command(_SHT31_HEATER_DISABLE) time.sleep(0.001) @property def status(self): """Device status.""" data = bytearray(2) self._command(_SHT31_READSTATUS) time.sleep(0.001) with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.readinto(data) status = data[0] << 8 | data[1] return status @property def serial_number(self): """Device serial number.""" data = bytearray(6) data[0] = 0xFF self._command(_SHT31_READSERIALNBR) time.sleep(0.001) with self.i2c_device as i2c: i2c.readinto(data) word = _unpack(data) return (word[0] << 16) | word[1]