Simple test¶
Ensure your device works with this simple test.
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# Simple demo of the SI5351 clock generator.
# This is like the Arduino library example:
# Which will configure the chip with:
# - PLL A at 900mhz
# - PLL B at 616.66667mhz
# - Clock 0 at 112.5mhz, using PLL A as a source divided by 8
# - Clock 1 at 13.553115mhz, using PLL B as a source divided by 45.5
# - Clock 2 at 10.76khz, using PLL B as a source divided by 900 and further
# divided with an R divider of 64.
import board
import busio
import adafruit_si5351
# Initialize I2C bus.
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
# Initialize SI5351.
si5351 = adafruit_si5351.SI5351(i2c)
# Alternatively you can specify the I2C address if it has been changed:
# si5351 = adafruit_si5351.SI5351(i2c, address=0x61)
# Now configue the PLLs and clock outputs.
# The PLLs can be configured with a multiplier and division of the on-board
# 25mhz reference crystal. For example configure PLL A to 900mhz by multiplying
# by 36. This uses an integer multiplier which is more accurate over time
# but allows less of a range of frequencies compared to a fractional
# multiplier shown next.
si5351.pll_a.configure_integer(36) # Multiply 25mhz by 36
print("PLL A frequency: {0}mhz".format(si5351.pll_a.frequency / 1000000))
# And next configure PLL B to 616.6667mhz by multiplying 25mhz by 24.667 using
# the fractional multiplier configuration. Notice you specify the integer
# multiplier and then a numerator and denominator as separate values, i.e.
# numerator 2 and denominator 3 means 2/3 or 0.667. This fractional
# configuration is susceptible to some jitter over time but can set a larger
# range of frequencies.
si5351.pll_b.configure_fractional(24, 2, 3) # Multiply 25mhz by 24.667 (24 2/3)
print("PLL B frequency: {0}mhz".format(si5351.pll_b.frequency / 1000000))
# Now configure the clock outputs. Each is driven by a PLL frequency as input
# and then further divides that down to a specific frequency.
# Configure clock 0 output to be driven by PLL A divided by 8, so an output
# of 112.5mhz (900mhz / 8). Again this uses the most precise integer division
# but can't set as wide a range of values.
si5351.clock_0.configure_integer(si5351.pll_a, 8)
print("Clock 0: {0}mhz".format(si5351.clock_0.frequency / 1000000))
# Next configure clock 1 to be driven by PLL B divided by 45.5 to get
# 13.5531mhz (616.6667mhz / 45.5). This uses fractional division and again
# notice the numerator and denominator are explicitly specified. This is less
# precise but allows a large range of frequencies.
si5351.clock_1.configure_fractional(si5351.pll_b, 45, 1, 2) # Divide by 45.5 (45 1/2)
print("Clock 1: {0}mhz".format(si5351.clock_1.frequency / 1000000))
# Finally configure clock 2 to be driven by PLL B divided once by 900 to get
# down to 685.15 khz and then further divided by a special R divider that
# divides 685.15 khz by 64 to get a final output of 10.706khz.
si5351.clock_2.configure_integer(si5351.pll_b, 900)
# Set the R divider, this can be a value of:
# - R_DIV_1: divider of 1
# - R_DIV_2: divider of 2
# - R_DIV_4: divider of 4
# - R_DIV_8: divider of 8
# - R_DIV_16: divider of 16
# - R_DIV_32: divider of 32
# - R_DIV_64: divider of 64
# - R_DIV_128: divider of 128
si5351.clock_2.r_divider = adafruit_si5351.R_DIV_64
print("Clock 2: {0}khz".format(si5351.clock_2.frequency / 1000))
# After configuring PLLs and clocks, enable the outputs.
si5351.outputs_enabled = True
# You can disable them by setting false.