simpleio - Simple, beginner friendly IO.

The simpleio module contains classes to provide simple access to IO.

  • Author(s): Scott Shawcroft
class simpleio.DigitalIn(pin, **kwargs)[source]

Simple digital input that is valid until reload.

param pin microcontroller.Pin:
 input pin
param pull digitalio.Pull:
 pull configuration for the input

The digital logic level of the input pin.

class simpleio.DigitalOut(pin, **kwargs)[source]

Simple digital output that is valid until reload.

param pin microcontroller.Pin:
 output pin
param value bool:
 default value
param drive_mode digitalio.DriveMode:
 drive mode for the output

The digital logic level of the output pin.

simpleio.bitWrite(x, n, b)[source]

Based on the Arduino bitWrite function, changes a specific bit of a value to 0 or 1. The return value is the original value with the changed bit. This function is written for use with 8-bit shift registers

  • x – numeric value
  • n – position to change starting with least-significant (right-most) bit as 0
  • b – value to write (0 or 1)
simpleio.map_range(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max)[source]

Maps a number from one range to another. Note: This implementation handles values < in_min differently than arduino’s map function does.

Returns:Returns value mapped to new range
Return type:float
simpleio.shift_in(data_pin, clock, msb_first=True)[source]

Shifts in a byte of data one bit at a time. Starts from either the LSB or MSB.


Data and clock are swapped compared to other CircuitPython libraries in order to match Arduino.

  • data_pin (DigitalInOut) – pin on which to input each bit
  • clock (DigitalInOut) – toggles to signal data_pin reads
  • msb_first (bool) – True when the first bit is most significant

returns the value read

Return type:


simpleio.shift_out(data_pin, clock, value, msb_first=True, bitcount=8)[source]

Shifts out a byte of data one bit at a time. Data gets written to a data pin. Then, the clock pulses hi then low


Data and clock are swapped compared to other CircuitPython libraries in order to match Arduino.

  • data_pin (DigitalInOut) – value bits get output on this pin
  • clock (DigitalInOut) – toggled once the data pin is set
  • msb_first (bool) – True when the first bit is most significant
  • value (int) – byte to be shifted
  • bitcount (unsigned) – number of bits to shift

Example for Metro M0 Express:

import digitalio
import simpleio
from board import *
clock = digitalio.DigitalInOut(D12)
data_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(D11)
latchPin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(D10)
clock.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
data_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
latchPin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

while True:
    valueSend = 500
    # shifting out least significant bits
    # must toggle latchPin.value before and after shift_out to push to IC chip
    # this sample code was tested using
    latchPin.value = False
    simpleio.shift_out(data_pin, clock, (valueSend>>8), msb_first = False)
    latchPin.value = True
    latchPin.value = False
    simpleio.shift_out(data_pin, clock, valueSend, msb_first = False)
    latchPin.value = True

    # shifting out most significant bits
    latchPin.value = False
    simpleio.shift_out(data_pin, clock, (valueSend>>8))
    latchPin.value = True
    latchpin.value = False
    simpleio.shift_out(data_pin, clock, valueSend)
    latchpin.value = True
simpleio.tone(pin, frequency, duration=1, length=100)[source]

Generates a square wave of the specified frequency on a pin

  • pin (Pin) – Pin on which to output the tone
  • frequency (float) – Frequency of tone in Hz
  • length (int) – Variable size buffer (optional)
  • duration (int) – Duration of tone in seconds (optional)