# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Stefan Krüger s-light.eu
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
CircuitPython module for the
TLC59711 or TLC5971 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver.
See examples/tlc59711_simpletest.py for a demo of the usage.
* Author(s): Tony DiCola, Stefan Kruger
Implementation Notes
* Adafruit `12-Channel 16-bit PWM LED Driver - SPI Interface - TLC59711
<https://www.adafruit.com/product/1455>`_ (Product ID: 1455)
or TLC5971
**Software and Dependencies:**
* The API is mostly compatible to the DotStar / NeoPixel Libraries
and is therefore also compatible with FancyLED.
* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware for the supported boards:
__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_TLC59711.git"
# pylint - globally disable
# 'invalid-name' check to allow for datasheet conform short channel and register names.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# 'too-many-lines' with the extra class and the api backwards compatibel things i have ~1100 lines..
# and as it was wished to not alter the .pylint file to limit to 1100 i disable it here..
# and yes - this code is very detailed commented. but i think that this is a good thing -
# as hopefully this way it is easier to understand desicions &
# what is going on and learn the backgrounds..
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import struct
from micropython import const
PIXEL_PER_CHIP = const(4)
# class _BC():
# BC-Data (3 x 7Bits = 21Bit).
# BCB 7bit;
# BCG 7bit;
# BCR 7bit;
_BC_BIT_COUNT = const(3 * 7)
# this holds the chip offset and
"BCR": {
"offset": 0,
"length": 7,
"mask": 0b01111111,
"BCG": {
"offset": 7,
"length": 7,
"mask": 0b01111111,
"BCB": {
"offset": 14,
"length": 7,
"mask": 0b01111111,
# class _FC():
# """
# Function Control Data (5 x 1Bit = 5Bit).
# OUTTMG 1bit
# GS clock edge select
# 1 = rising edge
# 0 = falling edge
# EXTGCK 1bit
# GS reference clock select
# 1 = SCKI clock
# 0 = internal oscillator
# TMGRST 1bit
# display timing reset mode
# 1 = OUT forced of on latchpulse
# 0 = no forced reset
# DSPRPT 1bit
# display repeat mode
# 1 = auto repeate
# 0 = Out only turned on after Blank or internal latchpulse
# BLANK 1bit;
# ic power on sets this to 1
# 1 = blank (outputs off)
# 0 = Out on - controlled by GS-Data
# """
_FC_BIT_COUNT = const(5)
"BLANK": {
"offset": 0,
"length": 1,
"mask": 0b1,
"offset": 1,
"length": 1,
"mask": 0b1,
"offset": 2,
"length": 1,
"mask": 0b1,
"offset": 3,
"length": 1,
"mask": 0b1,
"offset": 4,
"length": 1,
"mask": 0b1,
# class _WRITE_COMMAND():
_WC_BIT_COUNT = const(6)
"offset": 0,
"length": 6,
"mask": 0b111111,
WRITE_COMMAND = const(0b100101)
[docs]class TLC59711:
"""TLC5971 & TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver.
The TLC59711 & TLC5971 chip is designed to drive 4 RGB LEDs with 16-bit PWM per Color.
This Library can control 1..many chips.
The class has an interface compatible with the FancyLED library -
and the API is similar to the NeoPixel and DotStar Interfaces.
:param ~busio.SPI spi: An instance of the SPI bus connected to the chip.
The clock and MOSI/outout must be set, the MISO/input is unused.
Maximal data clock frequence is:
- TLC59711: 10MHz
- TLC5971: 20MHz
:param bool pixel_count: Number of RGB-LEDs (=Pixels) that are connected. (default=4)
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# it just does make senes to have the chip params as attributes.
# """
# TLC5971 data / register structure
# some detailed information on the protocol based on
# http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tlc5971.pdf
# 8.5.4 Register and Data Latch Configuration (page 23ff)
# How to Control the TLC5971 (page27)
# How to send:
# the first data we send are received by the last device in chain.
# Device Nth (244Bit = 28Byte)
# Write Command (6Bit)
# WRCMD (fixed: 25h)
# Function Control Data (5 x 1Bit = 5Bit)
# OUTTMG 1bit
# GS clock edge select
# 1=rising edge, 0= falling edge
# EXTGCK 1bit
# GS reference clock select
# 1=SCKI clock, 0=internal oscillator
# TMGRST 1bit
# display timing reset mode
# 1=OUT forced of on latchpulse, 0=no forced reset
# DSPRPT 1bit
# display repeat mode
# 1=auto repeate
# 0=Out only turned on after Blank or internal latchpulse
# BLANK 1bit;
# 1=blank (outputs off)
# 0=Out on - controlled by GS-Data
# ic power on sets this to 1
# BC-Data (3 x 7Bits = 21Bit)
# BCB 7bit;
# BCG 7bit;
# BCR 7bit;
# GS-Data (12 x 16Bits = 192Bit)
# GSB3 16bit;
# GSG3 16bit;
# GSR3 16bit;
# GSB2 16bit;
# GSG2 16bit;
# GSR2 16bit;
# GSB1 16bit;
# GSG1 16bit;
# GSR1 16bit;
# GSB0 16bit;
# GSG0 16bit;
# GSR0 16bit;
# Device Nth-1 (244Bit = 28Byte)
# Device ..
# Device 2
# Device 1
# short break of 8x period of clock (666ns .. 2.74ms)
# to generate latchpulse
# + 1.34uS
# than next update.
# """
# helper
# @staticmethod
# def set_bit_with_mask(v, mask, x):
# """Set bit with help of mask."""
# # clear
# v &= ~mask
# if x:
# # set
# v |= mask
# return v
# @staticmethod
# def set_bit(v, index, x):
# """Set bit - return new value.
# Set the index:th bit of v to 1 if x is truthy,
# else to 0, and return the new value.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12174051/574981
# """
# # Compute mask, an integer with just bit 'index' set.
# mask = 1 << index
# # Clear the bit indicated by the mask (if x is False)
# v &= ~mask
# if x:
# # If x was True, set the bit indicated by the mask.
# v |= mask
# # Return the result, we're done.
# return v
def __init__(self, spi, *, pixel_count=4):
self._spi = spi
self.pixel_count = pixel_count
self.channel_count = self.pixel_count * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
# calculate how many chips are connected
self.chip_count = self.pixel_count // 4
# The chips are just a big 28 byte long shift register without any fancy update protocol.
# Blast out all the bits to update, that's it! → create raw output data
self._buffer = bytearray(_CHIP_BUFFER_BYTE_COUNT * self.chip_count)
# Initialize the brightness channel values to max (these are 7-bit values).
self.bcr = 127
self.bcg = 127
self.bcb = 127
# Initialize external user-facing state for the function control bits of the chip.
# These aren't commonly used but available and match the nomenclature from the datasheet.
# you must manually call update_fc() after changing them
# (reduces the need to make frivolous memory-hogging properties).
# Default set: OUTTMG, TMGRST, and DSPRPT to on; like in Arduino library.
# these are set for all chips the same
self.outtmg = True
self.extgck = False
self.tmgrst = True
self.dsprpt = True
self.blank = False
# preparation done → now initialize buffer to default values
self._buffer_index_lookuptable = []
def _init_buffer(self):
for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):
# set Write Command (6Bit) WRCMD (fixed: 25h)
self.chip_set_BCData(chip_index, bcr=self.bcr, bcg=self.bcg, bcb=self.bcb)
[docs] def chip_set_BCData(self, chip_index, bcr=127, bcg=127, bcb=127):
Set BC-Data.
:param int chip_index: Index of Chip to set.
:param int bcr: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
:param int bcg: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
:param int bcb: 7-bit value from 0-127 (default=127)
# set all bits
[docs] def update_BCData(self):
Update BC-Data for all Chips in Buffer.
need to be called after you changed on of the BC-Data Parameters. (bcr, bcg, bcb)
for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):
self.chip_set_BCData(chip_index, bcr=self.bcr, bcg=self.bcg, bcb=self.bcb)
def _chip_set_FunctionControl(self, chip_index):
Set Function Control Bits in Buffer.
values from object global parameters are used.
:param int chip_index: Index of Chip to set.
# set all bits
[docs] def update_fc(self):
Update Function Control Bits for all Chips in Buffer.
need to be called after you changed on of the Function Control Bit Parameters.
(outtmg, extgck, tmgrst, dsprpt, blank)
for chip_index in range(self.chip_count):
def _chip_set_WriteCommand(self, chip_index):
# set all bits
def _init_lookuptable(self):
for channel_index in range(self.channel_count):
channel_index // CHANNEL_PER_CHIP
) + channel_index % CHANNEL_PER_CHIP
buffer_index *= _BUFFER_BYTES_PER_COLOR
def _write(self):
# Write out the current state to the shift register.
# Lock the SPI bus and configure it for the shift register.
while not self._spi.try_lock():
self._spi.configure(baudrate=self._spi.frequency, polarity=0, phase=0)
# Ensure the SPI bus is unlocked.
[docs] def show(self):
"""Write out the current LED PWM state to the chip."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def calculate_Ioclmax(*, Riref=2.48):
Calculate Maximum Constant Sink Current Value.
8.4.1 Maximum Constant Sink Current Setting
Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41
Ioclmax = (41 / Riref) * Viref
:param float Riref: resistor value (kΩ) (default=20)
:return tuple: Ioclmax (mA)
# Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41 | / 41
# Riref / 41 = Viref / Ioclmax | switch
# 41 / Riref = Ioclmax / Viref | * Viref
# (41 / Riref) * Viref = Ioclmax
if not 0.8 <= Riref <= 24.8:
raise ValueError("Riref {} not in range: 0.8kΩ..25kΩ".format(Riref))
Viref = 1.21
Ioclmax = (41 / Riref) * Viref
if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA".format(Ioclmax))
return Ioclmax
[docs] @staticmethod
def calculate_Riref(*, Ioclmax=20):
Calculate Maximum Constant Sink Current Value.
8.4.1 Maximum Constant Sink Current Setting
Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41
:param float Ioclmax: target max output current (mA) (default=20)
:return tuple: Riref (kΩ)
if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA".format(Ioclmax))
Viref = 1.21
Riref = (Viref / Ioclmax) * 41
if not 0.8 <= Riref <= 24.8:
raise ValueError("Riref {} not in range: 0.8kΩ..25kΩ".format(Riref))
return Riref
[docs] @staticmethod
def calculate_BCData(*, Ioclmax=18, IoutR=17, IoutG=15, IoutB=9):
Calculate Global Brightness Control Values.
8.5.1 Global Brightness Control (BC) Function (Sink Current Control)
Iout = Ioclmax * (BCX / 127)
BCX = Iout / Ioclmax * 127
:param float Ioclmax: max output current set by Riref (mA) (default=20)
:param float IoutR: max output current for red color group (mA)
:param float IoutG: max output current for green color (mA)
:param float IoutB: max output current for blue color (mA)
:return tuple: (bcr, bcg, bcb)
# Iout = Ioclmax * (BCX / 127) | / Ioclmax
# Iout / Ioclmax = BCX / 127 | * 127
# Iout / Ioclmax * 127 = BCX
if not 2.0 <= Ioclmax <= 60.0:
raise ValueError("Ioclmax {} not in range: 2mA..60mA" "".format(Ioclmax))
if not 0.0 <= IoutR <= Ioclmax:
raise ValueError("IoutR {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutR, Ioclmax))
if not 0.0 <= IoutG <= Ioclmax:
raise ValueError("IoutG {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutG, Ioclmax))
if not 0.0 <= IoutB <= Ioclmax:
raise ValueError("IoutB {} not in range: 2mA..{}mA".format(IoutB, Ioclmax))
bcr = int((IoutR / Ioclmax) * 127)
bcg = int((IoutG / Ioclmax) * 127)
bcb = int((IoutB / Ioclmax) * 127)
if not 0 <= bcr <= 127:
raise ValueError("bcr {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcr))
if not 0 <= bcg <= 127:
raise ValueError("bcg {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcg))
if not 0 <= bcb <= 127:
raise ValueError("bcb {} not in range: 0..127".format(bcb))
return (bcr, bcg, bcb)
def _convert_01_float_to_16bit_integer(value):
"""Convert 0..1 Float Value to 16bit (0..65535) Range."""
# check if value is in range
if not 0.0 <= value[0] <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[0]))
# convert to 16bit value
return int(value * 65535)
def _convert_if_float(cls, value):
"""Convert if value is Float."""
if isinstance(value, float):
value = cls._convert_01_float_to_16bit_integer(value)
return value
def _check_and_convert(value):
# loop
# mega slow
# for i, val in enumerate(value):
# # check if we have float values
# if isinstance(val, float):
# # check if val is in range
# if not 0.0 <= val <= 1.0:
# raise ValueError(
# "value[{}] {} not in range: 0..1".format(i, val))
# # convert to 16bit val
# value[i] = int(val * 65535)
# else:
# if not 0 <= val <= 65535:
# raise ValueError(
# "value[{}] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(i, val))
# discreet is way faster
# (compared with tlc59711_multi_dev.py: pixels.set_all_black())
# check if we have float values
if isinstance(value[0], float):
# check if value is in range
if not 0.0 <= value[0] <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[0]))
# convert to 16bit value
value[0] = int(value[0] * 65535)
if not 0 <= value[0] <= 65535:
raise ValueError("value[0] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[0]))
if isinstance(value[1], float):
if not 0.0 <= value[1] <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("value[1] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[1]))
value[1] = int(value[1] * 65535)
if not 0 <= value[1] <= 65535:
raise ValueError("value[1] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[1]))
if isinstance(value[2], float):
if not 0.0 <= value[2] <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("value[2] {} not in range: 0..1".format(value[2]))
value[2] = int(value[2] * 65535)
if not 0 <= value[2] <= 65535:
raise ValueError("value[2] {} not in range: 0..65535".format(value[2]))
def _get_channel_16bit_value(self, channel_index):
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[channel_index]
return struct.unpack_from(">H", self._buffer, buffer_start)[0]
[docs] def set_pixel_16bit_value(self, pixel_index, value_r, value_g, value_b):
Set the value for pixel.
This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
no error / range checking is done.
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param int value_r: 0..65535
:param int value_g: 0..65535
:param int value_b: 0..65535
# optimized for speed.
# the struct version leads to very slow runtime behaivor if you set
# lots of pixels. that is the reason the discreet version is used.
# you can check with the tlc59711_multi_dev.py file.
# most prominent this is visible at the set_pixel_all_16bit_value func:
# struct 157ms to 16ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
pixel_start = pixel_index * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
# struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_b)
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_b >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_b & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
# struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_g)
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_g >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_g & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
# struct.pack_into('>H', self._buffer, buffer_start, value_r)
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_r >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_r & 0xFF
[docs] def set_pixel_float_value(self, pixel_index, value_r, value_g, value_b):
Set the value for pixel.
This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
no error / range checking is done.
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param int value_r: 0..1
:param int value_g: 0..1
:param int value_b: 0..1
# self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
# pixel_index,
# int(value_r * 65535),
# int(value_g * 65535),
# int(value_b * 65535)
# )
# this is again a speed optimized version:
# this cuts down from 228ms to 22ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
value_r = int(value_r * 65535)
value_g = int(value_g * 65535)
value_b = int(value_b * 65535)
pixel_start = pixel_index * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_b >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_b & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_g >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_g & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value_r >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value_r & 0xFF
[docs] def set_pixel_16bit_color(self, pixel_index, color):
Set color for pixel.
This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
no error / range checking is done.
its a little bit slower as `set_pixel_16bit_value`
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param int color: 3-tuple of R, G, B; 0..65535
# self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
# pixel_index,
# color[0],
# color[1],
# color[2]
# )
# speed optimization: 140ms to 24ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
# the `color = list(color)` is the key here! (don't ask me why..)
color = list(color)
pixel_start = pixel_index * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[2] & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[1] & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[0] & 0xFF
[docs] def set_pixel_float_color(self, pixel_index, color):
Set color for pixel.
This is a Fast UNPROTECTED function:
no error / range checking is done.
its a little bit slower as `set_pixel_16bit_value`
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param tuple/float color: 3-tuple of R, G, B; 0..1
# self.set_pixel_16bit_value(
# pixel_index,
# int(color[0] * 65535),
# int(color[1] * 65535),
# int(color[2] * 65535)
# )
# speed optimization: 140ms to 30ms (@144pixel on ItsyBitsy M4)
color = list(color)
color[0] = int(color[0] * 65535)
color[1] = int(color[1] * 65535)
color[2] = int(color[2] * 65535)
pixel_start = pixel_index * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[2] & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[1] & 0xFF
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (color[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = color[0] & 0xFF
[docs] def set_pixel(self, pixel_index, value):
Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.
this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param tuple value: 3-tuple of R, G, B;
each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
if 0 <= pixel_index < self.pixel_count:
# convert to list
value = list(value)
# repr(value)
if len(value) != COLORS_PER_PIXEL:
raise IndexError(
"length of value {} does not match COLORS_PER_PIXEL (= {})"
"".format(len(value), COLORS_PER_PIXEL)
# tested:
# splitting up into variables to not need the list..
# this is about 0.25ms slower..
# value_r = value[0]
# value_g = value[1]
# value_b = value[2]
# check if we have float values
# this modifies 'value' in place..
# update buffer
# we change channel order here:
# buffer channel order is blue, green, red
# pixel_start = pixel_index * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
# buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 0]
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[2] >> 8) & 0xFF
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[2] & 0xFF
# buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 1]
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[1] >> 8) & 0xFF
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[1] & 0xFF
# buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[pixel_start + 2]
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 0] = (value[0] >> 8) & 0xFF
# self._buffer[buffer_start + 1] = value[0] & 0xFF
# simpliefy code
self.set_pixel_16bit_value(pixel_index, value[0], value[1], value[2])
raise IndexError(
"index {} out of range [0..{}]" "".format(pixel_index, self.pixel_count)
[docs] def set_pixel_all_16bit_value(self, value_r, value_g, value_b):
Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.
fast. without error checking.
:param int value_r: 0..65535
:param int value_g: 0..65535
:param int value_b: 0..65535
for i in range(self.pixel_count):
self.set_pixel_16bit_value(i, value_r, value_g, value_b)
[docs] def set_pixel_all(self, color):
Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.
:param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B; each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
for i in range(self.pixel_count):
self.set_pixel(i, color)
[docs] def set_all_black(self):
"""Set all pixels to black."""
for i in range(self.pixel_count):
self.set_pixel_16bit_value(i, 0, 0, 0)
# channel access
[docs] def set_channel(self, channel_index, value):
Set the value for the provided channel.
:param int channel_index: 0..channel_count
:param int value: 0..65535
if 0 <= channel_index < (self.channel_count):
# check if values are in range
if not 0 <= value <= 65535:
raise ValueError("value {} not in range: 0..65535")
# temp = channel_index
# we change channel order here:
# buffer channel order is blue, green, red
pixel_index_offset = channel_index % COLORS_PER_PIXEL
if pixel_index_offset == 0:
channel_index += 2
elif pixel_index_offset == 2:
channel_index -= 2
# set value in buffer
buffer_start = self._buffer_index_lookuptable[channel_index]
struct.pack_into(">H", self._buffer, buffer_start, value)
raise IndexError(
"channel_index {} out of range (0..{})".format(
channel_index, self.channel_count
# Define index and length properties to set and get each pixel as
# atomic RGB tuples. This provides a similar feel as using neopixels.
def __len__(self):
"""Retrieve TLC5975 the total number of Pixels available."""
return self.pixel_count
def __getitem__(self, key):
Retrieve the R, G, B values for the provided channel as a 3-tuple.
Each value is a 16-bit number from 0-65535.
if 0 <= key < self.pixel_count:
pixel_start = key * COLORS_PER_PIXEL
return (
self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 0),
self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 1),
self._get_channel_16bit_value(pixel_start + 2),
# else:
raise IndexError("index {} out of range [0..{}]".format(key, self.pixel_count))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.
this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
this shortcut is identicall to `set_pixel`
:param int key: 0..(pixel_count)
:param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B; each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
# for a more detailed version with all the debugging code and
# comments look at set_pixel
if 0 <= key < self.pixel_count:
value = list(value)
if len(value) != COLORS_PER_PIXEL:
raise IndexError(
"length of value {} does not match COLORS_PER_PIXEL (= {})"
"".format(len(value), COLORS_PER_PIXEL)
# _check_and_convert modifies value in place..
self.set_pixel_16bit_value(key, value[0], value[1], value[2])
raise IndexError(
"index {} out of range [0..{}]" "".format(key, self.pixel_count)
class _ChannelDirekt:
# Internal decorator to simplify mapping.
def __init__(self, channel):
self._channel = channel
def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
# Grab the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
return obj._get_channel_16bit_value(self._channel)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
# Set the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
assert 0 <= value <= 65535
obj.set_channel(self._channel, value)
# if obj.auto_show:
# obj._write()
# Define explicit channels for first IC.
# → this is only for api backwards compliance.
# not recommended for new use - use *set_channel*
b0 = _ChannelDirekt(0)
g0 = _ChannelDirekt(1)
r0 = _ChannelDirekt(2)
b1 = _ChannelDirekt(3)
g1 = _ChannelDirekt(4)
r1 = _ChannelDirekt(5)
b2 = _ChannelDirekt(6)
g2 = _ChannelDirekt(7)
r2 = _ChannelDirekt(8)
b3 = _ChannelDirekt(9)
g3 = _ChannelDirekt(10)
r3 = _ChannelDirekt(11)
[docs]class TLC59711AutoShow(TLC59711):
"""TLC59711 16-bit 12 channel LED PWM driver with Auto-Show.
This chip is designed to drive 4 RGB LEDs with 16-bit PWM per Color.
The class has an interface compatible with the FancyLED library.
and with this is similar to the NeoPixel and DotStar Interfaces.
this TLC59711AutoShow is a subclass of TLC59711 that adds automatically
sending changed data to the chips.
this creates very slows responses on big changes.
It is mainly usefull if you only have a very small number of pixels.
:param ~busio.SPI spi: An instance of the SPI bus connected to the chip.
The clock and MOSI/outout must be set, the MISO/input is unused.
Maximal data clock frequence is:
- TLC59711: 10MHz
- TLC5971: 20MHz
:param bool pixel_count: Number of RGB-LEDs (=Pixels) that are connected.
def __init__(self, spi, pixel_count=4):
super().__init__(spi, pixel_count=pixel_count)
[docs] def set_pixel(self, pixel_index, value):
Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.
this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
:param int pixel_index: 0..(pixel_count)
:param tuple value: 3-tuple of R, G, B;
each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
super().set_pixel(pixel_index, value)
[docs] def set_pixel_all(self, color):
Set the R, G, B values for all pixels.
:param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B; each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
[docs] def set_all_black(self):
"""Set all pixels to black."""
# channel access
[docs] def set_channel(self, channel_index, value):
Set the value for the provided channel.
:param int channel_index: 0..channel_count
:param int value: 0..65535
super().set_channel(channel_index, value)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set the R, G, B values for the pixel.
this funciton hase some advanced error checking.
it is much slower than the other provided 'bare' variants..
but therefor gives clues to what is going wrong.. ;-)
this shortcut is identicall to `set_pixel`
:param int key: 0..(pixel_count)
:param tuple 3-tuple of R, G, B; each int 0..65535 or float 0..1
super().__setitem__(key, value)
class _ChannelDirektAutoShow:
# Internal decorator to simplify mapping.
def __init__(self, channel):
self._channel = channel
def __get__(self, obj, obj_type):
# Grab the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
return obj._get_channel_16bit_value(self._channel)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
# Set the 16-bit value at the offset for this channel.
assert 0 <= value <= 65535
obj.set_channel(self._channel, value)
# Define explicit channels for first IC.
# → this is only for api backwards compliance.
# not recommended for new use - use *set_channel*
b0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(0)
g0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(1)
r0 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(2)
b1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(3)
g1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(4)
r1 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(5)
b2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(6)
g2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(7)
r2 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(8)
b3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(9)
g3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(10)
r3 = _ChannelDirektAutoShow(11)