Source code for adafruit_fingerprint

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


This library will let you use an Adafruit Fingerprint sensor on any UART to get, store,
retreive and query fingerprints! Great for adding bio-sensing security to your next build.

* Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


* `Fingerprint sensor <>`_ (Product ID: 751)
* `Panel Mount Fingerprint sensor <>`_ (Product ID: 4651)

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Adafruit CircuitPython firmware (2.2.0+) for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:

from micropython import const

    import struct
except ImportError:
    import ustruct as struct

__version__ = "0.0.0-auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

_STARTCODE = const(0xEF01)
_COMMANDPACKET = const(0x1)
_DATAPACKET = const(0x2)
_ACKPACKET = const(0x7)
_ENDDATAPACKET = const(0x8)

_GETIMAGE = const(0x01)
_IMAGE2TZ = const(0x02)
_COMPARE = const(0x03)
_REGMODEL = const(0x05)
_STORE = const(0x06)
_LOAD = const(0x07)
_UPLOAD = const(0x08)
_DOWNLOAD = const(0x09)
_UPLOADIMAGE = const(0x0A)
_DOWNLOADIMAGE = const(0x0B)
_DELETE = const(0x0C)
_EMPTY = const(0x0D)
_SETSYSPARA = const(0x0E)
_READSYSPARA = const(0x0F)
_HISPEEDSEARCH = const(0x1B)
_VERIFYPASSWORD = const(0x13)
_TEMPLATECOUNT = const(0x1D)
_TEMPLATEREAD = const(0x1F)
_SOFTRESET = const(0x3D)
_GETECHO = const(0x53)
_SETAURA = const(0x35)

# Packet error code
OK = const(0x0)
NOFINGER = const(0x02)
IMAGEFAIL = const(0x03)
IMAGEMESS = const(0x06)
FEATUREFAIL = const(0x07)
NOMATCH = const(0x08)
NOTFOUND = const(0x09)
BADLOCATION = const(0x0B)
DBRANGEFAIL = const(0x0C)
UPLOADFAIL = const(0x0F)
DELETEFAIL = const(0x10)
DBCLEARFAIL = const(0x11)
PASSFAIL = const(0x13)
INVALIDIMAGE = const(0x15)
FLASHERR = const(0x18)
INVALIDREG = const(0x1A)
ADDRCODE = const(0x20)
PASSVERIFY = const(0x21)
MODULEOK = const(0x55)

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class Adafruit_Fingerprint: """UART based fingerprint sensor.""" _debug = False _uart = None password = None address = [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF] finger_id = None confidence = None templates = [] template_count = None library_size = None security_level = None device_address = None data_packet_size = None baudrate = None system_id = None status_register = None def __init__(self, uart, passwd=(0, 0, 0, 0)): # Create object with UART for interface, and default 32-bit password self.password = passwd self._uart = uart if self.verify_password() != OK: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find sensor, check wiring!") if self.read_sysparam() != OK: raise RuntimeError("Failed to read system parameters!")
[docs] def check_module(self): """Checks the state of the fingerprint scanner module. Returns OK or error.""" self._send_packet([_GETECHO]) if self._get_packet(12)[0] != MODULEOK: raise RuntimeError("Something is wrong with the sensor.") return True
[docs] def verify_password(self): """Checks if the password/connection is correct, returns True/False""" self._send_packet([_VERIFYPASSWORD] + list(self.password)) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def count_templates(self): """Requests the sensor to count the number of templates and stores it in ``self.template_count``. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_TEMPLATECOUNT]) r = self._get_packet(14) self.template_count = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[1:3]))[0] return r[0]
[docs] def read_sysparam(self): """Returns the system parameters on success via attributes.""" self._send_packet([_READSYSPARA]) r = self._get_packet(28) if r[0] != OK: raise RuntimeError("Command failed.") self.status_register = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[1:3]))[0] self.system_id = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[3:5]))[0] self.library_size = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[5:7]))[0] self.security_level = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[7:9]))[0] self.device_address = bytes(r[9:13]) self.data_packet_size = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[13:15]))[0] self.baudrate = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[15:17]))[0] return r[0]
[docs] def set_sysparam(self, param_num, param_val): """Set the system parameters (param_num)""" self._send_packet([_SETSYSPARA, param_num, param_val]) r = self._get_packet(12) if r[0] != OK: raise RuntimeError("Command failed.") if param_num == 4: self.baudrate = param_val elif param_num == 5: self.security_level = param_val elif param_num == 6: self.data_packet_size = param_val return r[0]
[docs] def get_image(self): """Requests the sensor to take an image and store it memory, returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_GETIMAGE]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def image_2_tz(self, slot=1): """Requests the sensor convert the image to a template, returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_IMAGE2TZ, slot]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def create_model(self): """Requests the sensor take the template data and turn it into a model returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_REGMODEL]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def store_model(self, location, slot=1): """Requests the sensor store the model into flash memory and assign a location. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_STORE, slot, location >> 8, location & 0xFF]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def delete_model(self, location): """Requests the sensor delete a model from flash memory given by the argument location. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_DELETE, location >> 8, location & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x01]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def load_model(self, location, slot=1): """Requests the sensor to load a model from the given memory location to the given slot. Returns the packet error code or success""" self._send_packet([_LOAD, slot, location >> 8, location & 0xFF]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def get_fpdata(self, sensorbuffer="char", slot=1): """Requests the sensor to transfer the fingerprint image or template. Returns the data payload only.""" if slot not in (1, 2): # raise error or use default value? slot = 2 if sensorbuffer == "image": self._send_packet([_UPLOADIMAGE]) elif sensorbuffer == "char": self._send_packet([_UPLOAD, slot]) else: raise RuntimeError("Uknown sensor buffer type") if self._get_packet(12)[0] == 0: res = self._get_data(9) self._print_debug("get_fpdata data size:", str(len(res))) self._print_debug("get_fdata res:", res, data_type="hex") return res
[docs] def send_fpdata(self, data, sensorbuffer="char", slot=1): """Requests the sensor to receive data, either a fingerprint image or a character/template data. Data is the payload only.""" if slot not in (1, 2): # raise error or use default value? slot = 2 if sensorbuffer == "image": self._send_packet([_DOWNLOADIMAGE]) elif sensorbuffer == "char": self._send_packet([_DOWNLOAD, slot]) else: raise RuntimeError("Uknown sensor buffer type") if self._get_packet(12)[0] == 0: self._send_data(data) self._print_debug("send_fpdata data size:", str(len(data))) self._print_debug("sent_fdata data:", data, data_type="hex") return True
[docs] def empty_library(self): """Requests the sensor to delete all models from flash memory. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_EMPTY]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
[docs] def read_templates(self): """Requests the sensor to list of all template locations in use and stores them in self.templates. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" from math import ceil # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self.templates = [] self.read_sysparam() temp_r = [ 0x0C, ] for j in range(ceil(self.library_size / 256)): self._send_packet([_TEMPLATEREAD, j]) r = self._get_packet(44) if r[0] == OK: for i in range(32): byte = r[i + 1] for bit in range(8): if byte & (1 << bit): self.templates.append((i * 8) + bit + (j * 256)) temp_r = r else: r = temp_r return r[0]
[docs] def close_uart(self): """close serial port""" self._uart.close()
[docs] def compare_templates(self): """Compares two fingerprint templates in char buffers 1 and 2. Stores the confidence score in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success""" self._send_packet([_COMPARE]) r = self._get_packet(14) self.confidence = struct.unpack(">H", bytes(r[1:3])) self._print_debug("compare_templates confidence:", self.confidence) return r[0]
[docs] def set_led(self, color=1, mode=3, speed=0x80, cycles=0): """LED function -- only for R503 Sensor. Parameters: See User Manual for full details color: 1=red, 2=blue, 3=purple mode: 1-breathe, 2-flash, 3-on, 4-off, 5-fade_on, 6-fade-off speed: animation speed 0-255 cycles: numbe of time to repeat 0=infinite or 1-255 Returns the packet error code or success""" self._send_packet([_SETAURA, mode, speed, color, cycles]) return self._get_packet(12)[0]
################################################## def _get_packet(self, expected): """Helper to parse out a packet from the UART and check structure. Returns just the data payload from the packet""" res = self._print_debug("_get_packet received data:", res, data_type="hex") if (not res) or (len(res) != expected): raise RuntimeError("Failed to read data from sensor") # first two bytes are start code start = struct.unpack(">H", res[0:2])[0] if start != _STARTCODE: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect packet data") # next 4 bytes are address addr = list(i for i in res[2:6]) if addr != self.address: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect address") packet_type, length = struct.unpack(">BH", res[6:9]) if packet_type != _ACKPACKET: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect packet data") # we should check the checksum # but i don't know how # not yet anyway # packet_sum = struct.unpack('>H', res[9+(length-2):9+length])[0] # print(packet_sum) # print(packet_type + length + struct.unpack('>HHHH', res[9:9+(length-2)])) reply = list(i for i in res[9 : 9 + (length - 2)]) self._print_debug("_get_packet reply:", reply, data_type="hex") return reply def _get_data(self, expected): """Gets packet from serial and checks structure for _DATAPACKET and _ENDDATAPACKET. Alternate method for getting data such as fingerprint image, etc. Returns the data payload.""" res = self._print_debug("_get_data received data:", res, data_type="hex") if (not res) or (len(res) != expected): raise RuntimeError("Failed to read data from sensor") # first two bytes are start code start = struct.unpack(">H", res[0:2])[0] self._print_debug("_get_data received start pos:", start) if start != _STARTCODE: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect packet data") # next 4 bytes are address addr = list(i for i in res[2:6]) self._print_debug("_get_data received address:", addr) if addr != self.address: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect address") packet_type, length = struct.unpack(">BH", res[6:9]) self._print_debug("_get_data received packet_type:", packet_type) self._print_debug("_get_data received length:", length) # todo: check checksum if packet_type != _DATAPACKET: if packet_type != _ENDDATAPACKET: raise RuntimeError("Incorrect packet data") if packet_type == _DATAPACKET: res = - 2) # todo: we should really inspect the headers and checksum reply = list(i for i in res[0:length]) received_checksum = struct.unpack(">H", self._print_debug("_get_data received checksum:", received_checksum) reply += self._get_data(9) elif packet_type == _ENDDATAPACKET: res = - 2) # todo: we should really inspect the headers and checksum reply = list(i for i in res[0:length]) received_checksum = struct.unpack(">H", self._print_debug("_get_data received checksum:", received_checksum) self._print_debug("_get_data reply length:", len(reply)) self._print_debug("_get_data reply:", reply, data_type="hex") return reply def _send_packet(self, data): packet = [_STARTCODE >> 8, _STARTCODE & 0xFF] packet = packet + self.address packet.append(_COMMANDPACKET) # the packet type length = len(data) + 2 packet.append(length >> 8) packet.append(length & 0xFF) packet = packet + data checksum = sum(packet[6:]) packet.append(checksum >> 8) packet.append(checksum & 0xFF) self._print_debug("_send_packet length:", len(packet)) self._print_debug("_send_packet data:", packet, data_type="hex") self._uart.write(bytearray(packet)) def _send_data(self, data): self._print_debug("_send_data length:", len(data)) self._print_debug("_send_data data:", data, data_type="hex") # self.read_sysparam() #moved this to init if self.data_packet_size == 0: data_length = 32 elif self.data_packet_size == 1: data_length = 64 elif self.data_packet_size == 2: data_length = 128 elif self.data_packet_size == 3: data_length = 256 self._print_debug("_send_data sensor data length:", data_length) i = 0 left = len(data) for i in range(int(len(data) / data_length)): start = i * data_length end = (i + 1) * data_length left = left - data_length self._print_debug("_send_data data start:", start) self._print_debug("_send_data data end:", end) self._print_debug("_send_data i:", i) packet = [_STARTCODE >> 8, _STARTCODE & 0xFF] packet = packet + self.address if left <= 0: packet.append(_ENDDATAPACKET) else: packet.append(_DATAPACKET) length = len(data[start:end]) + 2 self._print_debug("_send_data length:", length) packet.append(length >> 8) packet.append(length & 0xFF) checksum = _DATAPACKET + (length >> 8) + (length & 0xFF) # for j in range(len(data[start:end])): for j in range(start, end): packet.append(data[j]) checksum += data[j] packet.append(checksum >> 8) packet.append(checksum & 0xFF) self._print_debug("_send_data sending packet:", packet, data_type="hex") self._uart.write(packet)
[docs] def soft_reset(self): """Performs a soft reset of the sensor""" self._send_packet([_SOFTRESET]) if self._get_packet(12)[0] == OK: if[0] != MODULEOK: raise RuntimeError("Sensor did not send a handshake signal!")
def _print_debug(self, info, data, data_type="str"): """Prints debugging information. This is activated by flag _debug""" if not self._debug: return if data_type == "hex": print("*** DEBUG ==>", info, ["{:02x}".format(i) for i in data]) elif data_type == "str": print("*** DEBUG ==>", info, data)