This library will let you use an Adafruit Fingerprint sensor on any UART to get, store, retreive and query fingerprints! Great for adding bio-sensing security to your next build.
- Author(s): ladyada
Implementation Notes¶
- Fingerprint sensor (Product ID: 751)
- Panel Mount Fingerprint sensor (Product ID: 4651)
Software and Dependencies:
- Adafruit CircuitPython firmware (2.2.0+) for the ESP8622 and M0-based boards:
(uart, passwd=(0, 0, 0, 0))[source]¶ UART based fingerprint sensor.
()[source]¶ Compares two fingerprint templates in char buffers 1 and 2. Stores the confidence score in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success
()[source]¶ Requests the sensor to count the number of templates and stores it in
. Returns the packet error code or OK success
()[source]¶ Requests the sensor take the template data and turn it into a model returns the packet error code or OK success
(location)[source]¶ Requests the sensor delete a model from flash memory given by the argument location. Returns the packet error code or OK success
()[source]¶ Requests the sensor to delete all models from flash memory. Returns the packet error code or OK success
()[source]¶ Asks the sensor to search for a matching fingerprint template to the last model generated. Stores the location and confidence in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success
()[source]¶ Asks the sensor to search for a matching fingerprint starting at slot 1. Stores the location and confidence in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success
(sensorbuffer='char', slot=1)[source]¶ Requests the sensor to transfer the fingerprint image or template. Returns the data payload only.
()[source]¶ Requests the sensor to take an image and store it memory, returns the packet error code or OK success
(slot=1)[source]¶ Requests the sensor convert the image to a template, returns the packet error code or OK success
(location, slot=1)[source]¶ Requests the sensor to load a model from the given memory location to the given slot. Returns the packet error code or success
()[source]¶ Requests the sensor to list of all template locations in use and stores them in self.templates. Returns the packet error code or OK success
(data, sensorbuffer='char', slot=1)[source]¶ Requests the sensor to receive data, either a fingerprint image or a character/template data. Data is the payload only.
(color=1, mode=3, speed=128, cycles=0)[source]¶ LED function – only for R503 Sensor. Parameters: See User Manual for full details color: 1=red, 2=blue, 3=purple mode: 1-breathe, 2-flash, 3-on, 4-off, 5-fade_on, 6-fade-off speed: animation speed 0-255 cycles: numbe of time to repeat 0=infinite or 1-255 Returns the packet error code or success