
This library will let you use an Adafruit Fingerprint sensor on any UART to get, store, retreive and query fingerprints! Great for adding bio-sensing security to your next build.

  • Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_fingerprint.Adafruit_Fingerprint(uart, passwd=(0, 0, 0, 0))[source]

UART based fingerprint sensor.


Checks the state of the fingerprint scanner module. Returns OK or error.


close serial port


Compares two fingerprint templates in char buffers 1 and 2. Stores the confidence score in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success


Requests the sensor to count the number of templates and stores it in self.template_count. Returns the packet error code or OK success


Requests the sensor take the template data and turn it into a model returns the packet error code or OK success


Requests the sensor delete a model from flash memory given by the argument location. Returns the packet error code or OK success


Requests the sensor to delete all models from flash memory. Returns the packet error code or OK success

Asks the sensor to search for a matching fingerprint template to the last model generated. Stores the location and confidence in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success

Asks the sensor to search for a matching fingerprint starting at slot 1. Stores the location and confidence in self.finger_id and self.confidence. Returns the packet error code or OK success

get_fpdata(sensorbuffer='char', slot=1)[source]

Requests the sensor to transfer the fingerprint image or template. Returns the data payload only.


Requests the sensor to take an image and store it memory, returns the packet error code or OK success


Requests the sensor convert the image to a template, returns the packet error code or OK success

load_model(location, slot=1)[source]

Requests the sensor to load a model from the given memory location to the given slot. Returns the packet error code or success


Returns the system parameters on success via attributes.


Requests the sensor to list of all template locations in use and stores them in self.templates. Returns the packet error code or OK success

send_fpdata(data, sensorbuffer='char', slot=1)[source]

Requests the sensor to receive data, either a fingerprint image or a character/template data. Data is the payload only.

set_led(color=1, mode=3, speed=128, cycles=0)[source]

LED function – only for R503 Sensor. Parameters: See User Manual for full details color: 1=red, 2=blue, 3=purple mode: 1-breathe, 2-flash, 3-on, 4-off, 5-fade_on, 6-fade-off speed: animation speed 0-255 cycles: numbe of time to repeat 0=infinite or 1-255 Returns the packet error code or success

set_sysparam(param_num, param_val)[source]

Set the system parameters (param_num)


Performs a soft reset of the sensor

store_model(location, slot=1)[source]

Requests the sensor store the model into flash memory and assign a location. Returns the packet error code or OK success


Checks if the password/connection is correct, returns True/False