GPS parsing module. Can send commands to, and parse simple NMEA data sentences from serial and I2C GPS modules to read latitude, longitude, and more.
This driver depends on:
Please ensure all dependencies are available on the CircuitPython filesystem. This is easily achieved by downloading the Adafruit library and driver bundle.
Installing from PyPI¶
On supported GNU/Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi, you can install the driver locally from PyPI. To install for current user:
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-gps
To install system-wide (this may be required in some cases):
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-gps
To install in a virtual environment in your current project:
mkdir project-name && cd project-name
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-gps
Usage Example¶
See examples/ for a demonstration of parsing and printing GPS location.
Important: Feather boards and many other circuitpython boards will round to two decimal places like this:
>>> float('1234.5678')
This isn’t ideal for GPS data as this lowers the accuracy from 0.1m to 11m.
This can be fixed by using string formatting when the GPS data is output.
An implementation of this can be found in examples/
import time
import board
import busio
import adafruit_gps
RX = board.RX
TX = board.TX
uart = busio.UART(TX, RX, baudrate=9600, timeout=30)
gps = adafruit_gps.GPS(uart, debug=False)
last_print = time.monotonic()
while True:
current = time.monotonic()
if current - last_print >= 1.0:
last_print = current
if not gps.has_fix:
print('Waiting for fix...')
print('=' * 40) # Print a separator line.
print('Latitude: {0:.6f} degrees'.format(gps.latitude))
print('Longitude: {0:.6f} degrees'.format(gps.longitude))
These two lines are the lines that actually solve the issue:
print('Latitude: {0:.6f} degrees'.format(gps.latitude))
print('Longitude: {0:.6f} degrees'.format(gps.longitude))
Note: Sending multiple PMTK314 packets with gps.send_command()
will not
work unless there is a substantial amount of time in-between each time
is called. A time.sleep()
of 1 second or more
should fix this.
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